LYC and MLC Flashcards
Who does the Large Yacht code apply to?
Motor or Sailing vessels of 24m load line length and over
Is in commercial use for sport or pleasure
Carries no cargo and no more than 36 passengers
Includes Sail training vessels
Purpose of the LYC
Provide design criteria, construction standards and other safety measures
To minimise the risk to yachts, persons and the environment
The criteria are largely aligned to international conventions, but have been modified to create an appropriate equivelent where necessary to make them applicable to yachts
Who is the Red Ensign Group
A group of british Shipping registers from the UK,
crown dependancies - Isle of man, Channel Isles
Overseas Territories - Anguila, Bermuda, BVI, Cayman isles, FI, Gibraltar etc)
Any vessel registered in these places is a British ship and entitled to fly the red ensign
What are the parts of LYC?
2 parts, A + B. A is relevant to me!
Part A - Yacht over 24 metres in Load line length
- In commercial use for sport or pleasure
- Do not carry cargo and no more than 12 passengers
Part B - Pleasure yachts of any size
- Private use or engaged in trade
- Carry more than 12 but less than 36 passengers
- Do not carry cargo
Chapters of the LYC?
Application and interpretation
Construction and strength
weathertight integrity
water freeing arrangements
bilge pumping
Fire safety
Navigation equipment and visability
Achors and cables
living facilites
What is the flow chart for Int Orgs/convention?
IMO ILO(International Labour Organisation)
Solas, STCW, Marpol MLC (Int Conventions)
174 countries signed up
Including the UK
Merchant Shipping Act 1995 (UK Law)
Royal Navy Merchant Navy
What is the MLC
Maritime Labour Convention. Made by the International Labour Organisation
A benchmark for decent living and working conditions for seafarers
What are the objectives of the MLC?
Set out seafarers rights to decent working and labour conditions globally to help create conditions for fair competition for ship owners.
The MLC code consists of how many titles, what are they
1 Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship( EG min age, qualified, fit)
2 Conditions of employment
3 Accomodation, rec facilities, food and catering
4 Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security
5 Compliance and enforcement
Who needs a Maritime labour certificate?
who issues them in the UK?
How long is the certificate valid for?
Ships of 500GT or over operating internationally
Issued by the MCA
5 years, subject to a intermediate inspection in the 2-3 yrs
Where can we get more info On MLC certification and surveying
How did it come into force?
MSN 1848
When did the MLC come into force
Established in 2006
Ratified by the UK in 2013, enforced 2014
Who can recieve an MLC inspection?
All ships, wether or not they require an MLC certificate, will beinspected twice with a 5 year period.
Where appropriate, the inspection will take place at the same time as ISM audits.
Ships less than 500GT can still request a survey for a certificate
Where can we get guidance on SEAs
MGN 477 - MLC Seafarers employment agreements
Which ships require to meet MLC regulations for SEAs
All Crew of all UK ships and foreign ships in uk waters except:
Pleasure vessels
Fishing vesses
Ships of traditional build
Vessels not normally engaged in commercial duties
All SEAs must have:
Cover with details of the ship and owners
Crew members name, DoB and address
Crew’s job description/ role
Details of pay, hours and leave
Details of the notice period/termination
paid leave
Maximum time allowed on board?
11 months
Who does not get an SEA
Supernumaries, persons not employed. The Master
Persons employed on vessels that do not require them, eg fishing vessels or warships, they get crew agreements, can be collective