Lvl1 Mod 3 (advanced) Flashcards
5 somatic themes of auto regulation related to support and stability
- Awareness of feet and legs
- Grounding
- Having a flexible base of support
- Able to achieve physical stability
- Awarness of the back
What is Vertical Alignment?
The ability to utilize gravity to support an erect posture that is not collapsed or out of alignment. The top of the head through the bottom of the feet is in a relatively straight line with proper alignment
7 somatic themes reflective of autoregulation and the core of the body
- Support and stability
- Vertical Alignment
- Centering
- Breath
- Somatic Awareness
- Balance
- Modulation and Energy Management
Definition of centering as a somatic theme
- The ability to be aware of the core of the body and its quality. Quality could be soft, hard, collapsed, mobilized, flexible, rigid
Three somatic attributes of breath
- Speed
- Depth
- Fullness (going into belly, chest, back, sides of body)
What is the value of living in all parts of the body (aka somatic awareness)?
This allows each part to be vitalized and have adaptive muscle tone (not too tense or collapsed)
7 somatic themes reflective of interactive
regulation and the periphery of the body
- Relational Connection
- Locomotion
- Defense and boundaries
- Pelvis
- Face
- Adaptability
- Orienting
How does the somatic theme of relational connection manifest in the periphery of the body?
Through the movement of the arms, which can be broken into two parts
1) Things arms do: reaching, grasping, letting go, holding on, embracing,
2) Ability to move the arms from the muscles of the back
4 examples of the self-soothing somatic resource
- Self-touch
- Curling up
- Hugging
- Restricting a sense (e.g. closing eyes)
5 Different categories of somatic resource activities
- Self-soothing
- Pleasure
- Modulation and energy management (biological needs)
- The container of the body
- Orienting
2 Examples of somatic resource activites related to the container of the body
- Sensing the skin of the body as a literal boundary or container
- Tightening the large muscles of the body