Adaptive strategies deep dive deck Flashcards
How does Compressing Down create safety (2)?
- Refuge in inaction
- avoiding decisions or conflict
How does Compressing Down show up in body (4)?
- Heavy/down body (pressed shoulders, pelvis tucked)
- slow/deliberate mov., resists forward motion
- charged but tightly held
- hopeless energy
How does Compressing Down show up in relationships (3)?
- Loving, but can’t say “no” directly
- can be passive aggressive
- “yes, but…”
How does Fluid Motion create safety (1)?
- Uses manipulation /charm to be deceptive about intentions
How does Fluid Motion show up in body (4)?
- Body engaging
- hard to read
- fluid mov.
- might be seductive, graceful, friendly
How does Fluid Motion show up in relationships? 2
- Establishes intimacy on superficial basis
- unable to be authentic about desires
How does Holding In create safety (2)?
- Withdrawing
- splitting off into cognition/analyzing
How does Holding In show up in body? 5
- Tension in core/periphery (shield preventing stimuli in/out
- masklike face
- mechanical mov
- frozen energy, withdraws inward
- paradoxical breath
How does Holding In show up in relationships? 3
- Avoids closeness
- Suspicious
- avoidant and disorganized attachment
How does Inflated Posture create safety (1)?
- Using power/exert control by being deceptive about internal resources
How does Inflated Posture show up in body? 4
- Chest puffed out
- little energy lower body
- controlled mov.
- fight pose
How does Inflated Posture show up in relationships? 3
- Trouble being vulnerable/equal
- Intimidating
- easily wounded pride
How does Insistent seeking create safety (3)?
- Being dramatic
- trying to get noticed
- trying to get attention and acknowledged
How does Insistent seeking show up in body? 6
- Very expressive body
- lots of mov
- dramatic gestures
- scattered energy
- Reactive
- high arousal
How does Insistent seeking show up in relationships? 3
- Needs/wants attention, acknowledgment, understanding
- wants comforting
- keeps tracking the presence of the other
How does Kinetic Action create safety (2)?
- Refuge in action
- meeting goals
How does Kinetic Action show up in body? 3
- Well-coordinated body
- slight constant tension
- determined, quick, focused (not flow) movement
How does Kinetic Action show up in relationships? 5
- Restrained intimacy
- trouble letting go
- always seeking something better
- Dissatisfied
- serious
How does Pliant Collapse create safety (2)?
- Undue dependence on others - ensuring they never leave
- Being non-threatening
How does Pliant Collapse show up in body? 3
- Collapsed
- little energy
- under-boundaried
How does Pliant Collapse show up in relationships? 2
- wants to be taken care of
- appears needy and dependent
How does Sealing off create safety (2)?
- Doing things alone (being apart from unsafe dynamics)
- Meeting needs on one’s own by being self-supporting
How does Sealing off show up in body? 3
- Tension
- Antigravity
- over-boundaried
How does Sealing off show up in relationships? 2
- Trouble with interdependence
- isolates under stress
How does Spreading Out create safety (3)?
- Intensity
- ‘passion,’
- splitting off into emotions and extremes
How does Spreading Out show up in body? 4
- Mobilized for contact and vigilance
- distress to elicit contact and maintain intensity
- forward, frenetic, unfocused, uncontained movements
- flooded experience, high arousal
How does Spreading Out show up in relationships (4)?
- Demands intense contact
- deep connection
- distress to elicit contact and maintain intensity
- Anxious attachment
What are kind of boundary work is helpful for Compressing Down? 1
These clients do not set boundaries directly; work with actively setting boundaries.
What are kind of boundary work is helpful for Fluid Motion? 2
- Teach appropriate and direct boundaries;
- emphasize screening
- form boundaries that contain and define the authentic self
- help them use boundaries to come into relationship rather than using deception/manipulation to be able to do what he or she wants.
What are kind of boundary work is helpful for Holding In? 2
- Develop conscious boundaries; build boundaries
- Work with distance for safety
What are kind of boundary work is helpful for Insistent seeking? 1
Experiments to allow boundaries and distance and feel understood.
What are kind of boundary work is helpful for Kinetic Action? 1
- Help them set boundaries from real contact with self. As boundaries tend to reflect disconnection from deeper feelings and inner signals;
What are kind of boundary work is helpful for Pliant Collapse? 2
- Teach appropriate boundaries to mitigate under-bounded style.
- Emphasize appropriate screening
What are kind of boundary work is helpful for Sealing off? 3
- Make boundary style conscious.
- Work toward more flexibility.
- Help see how boundaries isolate and separate.
What are kind of boundary work is helpful for Spreading Out?
Experiments to allow boundaries and distance and still feel connected in the relationship.
What are negative core beliefs of Compressing Down?
It’s dangerous to take action on my own (better do nothing)
What are negative core beliefs of Fluid Motion? What can it be shifted to?
I can’t said what I really need;
My intentions and desires can be heard and understood by the right people
What are negative core beliefs of Holding In? What can they be shifted to
I have no right to exist
I am not safe in the world
“l can’t trust myself’
“You can trust yourself’, “You can trust your
What are negative core beliefs of Inflated Posture? What can it be shifted to?
I can’t be vulnerable
I need to be in control
I can only show strengths
There are people who will treat you kindly and with respect
Power can be shared safely
What are negative core beliefs of Insistent seeking?
No one pays attention to me
I need to get attention
What are negative core beliefs of Kinetic Action? Positive alternatives
I must do what others want
I can’t relax; if I stop something bad will happen
I’m only worth it for what I do
I am lovable no matter what I do
What are negative core beliefs of Pliant Collapse? What are positives it can be shifted into?
Cannot get what I need
My needs will never be met
There’s enough for you
Your needs deserve to be met
What are negative core beliefs of Sealing off? What can it be shifted to?
I have to get everything on my own.
l can’t count on others
There are people you can rely on
What are negative core beliefs of Spreading Out?
I am too much for the world
I am all alone in the world
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Compressing Down?
You’re a good person. Take your time. There is hope. You’re lovable. It’s okay to be angry. You don’t have to be unhappy for me to love you. You can take charge. Your life belongs to you. You can do what you want.
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Fluid Motion?
: I will support what you want. You can be direct. What you want is important. If you tell me what you want, I will try to help you get it. I won’t use your feelings against you. I won‘t trick you.
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Holding In (7 examples)?
You’re welcome here.
Whatever you feel is natural.
There’s nothing inside you that scares me.
It’s OK to feel.
You’re safe right now.
You deserve to be treated kindly
. There is nothing wrong with you.
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Inflated Posture?
You’re important. You can set the distance between us. It’s okay to be weak sometimes. You don’t need to impress me. I appreciate you. I don’t want any power over you. I won’t use your feelings against you.
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Insistent seeking?
I’ll listen to you. I want to understand. You don’t have to do anything to get attention. You are loveable. I know how sensitive you are. Whatever you feel is OK. You are not too much for me.
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Kinetic Action?
I’m, on your side; You don’t have to do anything; You’re OK just the way you are; You don’t have to prove anything to me; You’re good enough as you are; It’s OK to make mistakes; It’s OK to rest; You can relax now; You don’t have to please me.
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Pliant Collapse?
I’m here for you right now. You can get what you need. I’ll help you find your way.
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Sealing off?
It’s ok to need. It’s ok to get support, You don’t have to do it all alone. I’ll help you. I see your need and honor it.. You can trust others to support you. You can count on others.
What are some cognitive missing experience experiments for Spreading Out?
You’re safe now. It’s OK to be calm. We can be connected and relaxed (without intensity) Nothing bad is going to happen right now. You can let down. It’s safe to be quiet. I will stay connected to you.
What are some somatic experiments for Pliant Collapse?
Therapist puts a hand behind their heart and pushes in and up at an angle to lift their chest and correct the slump
What are some valuable somatic resources for Compressing Down?
Any movement, especially upward, lengthening movement; pushing; locomotion, expressive movement; dancing; flying movements.
What are some valuable somatic resources for Fluid Motion?
Find somatic sense of center and authenticity; encourage use of breath to keep centered in relationship, and in contact with own wants; containment; conscious, controlled, and mindful movement; feet, knees, legs pointing straight.
What are some valuable somatic resources for Holding In (4)?
Slow reconnection with body at a pace the patient can integrate
Work with attachment and defense simultaneously.
Yielding into body, environment and relationships
Eventually, work with reaching, increasing proximity, etc.
What are some valuable somatic resources for Inflated Posture?
Grounding in feet, legs and pelvis; top-bottom integration; relaxation in belly and chest; integration core to periphery; reaching, grasping, pulling in; holding in arms; integration of pelvis with rest of body; breath work can be used in conjunction with emotions and being in contact with therapist
What are some valuable somatic resources for Insistent seeking?
Teach containment; grounding; centering; living in the back of the body. Mindful connection to the heart; centering. Reaching and receiving with arms, hands.
What are some valuable somatic resources for Kinetic Action?
relaxing the shoulders; reaching; leaning back; weight more on heels; belly breath; mindful engagement in movement (fluid and organic), finding pleasurable movement and sensation.
What are some valuable somatic resources for Pliant Collapse?
Lift chest support and alignment; draw energy from the ground; unlock knees; reach, grasp and pull in with the arms; increase tonicity in musculature, strengthen the core, and expression of the core through extremities, increase energy flow.
What are some valuable somatic resources for Sealing off?
Leaning and support. Give and receive – interdependence, cooperative endeavor. Work with movements that integrate the core through the whole body. Receiving nourishment in mutual interaction. Grounding should come up through the legs into the core to strengthen core
What are some valuable somatic resources for Spreading Out?
Use resources for trauma Phase 1 treatment: containment, grounding, living in the back of the body, hand over heart, breath
Later, Conscious interactive regulatory resources: slow reaching, boundaries and connection simultaneously
What are the missing experiences associated with Compressing down and how early can this wound occur?
no pressure, doing what you want
2 years
What are the missing experiences associated with fluid motion and how early can this wound occur?
Support for what one wants and authentic nature
What are the missing experiences associated with holding in and how early can this wound occur?
safety, being welcome, treated kindly
In utero
What are the missing experiences associated with inflated posture and how early can this wound occur?
Being treated as a real person, being respected
What are the missing experiences associated with insistent seeking and how early can this wound occur?
not to have to struggle for attention
3-4 years
What are the missing experiences associated with kinetic action and how early can this wound occur?
to be loved for who you are, to relax -
4-5 years
What are the missing experiences associated with pliant collapse and how early can this wound occur?
gratitude, being cared for, abundance
8 months
What are the missing experiences associated with sealing off and how early can this wound occur?
receiving and taking in support
8 months
What are the missing experiences associated with spreading out and how early can this wound occur?
Being able to count on others
Birth to 3 months, or death later on
What four physical experiments can be good for
compressing down?
Physical takeover
Taking over
What is the general guidance on working with Fluid Motion (3 points)?
- Non-shaming when they’re lying/playing/not being direct
Encourage them to tell you what they really want - how about you tell me “I like X” - “I want to X” -
Set boundaries for them so they can learn to set them for themselves. E.g. It’s not ok with me that you did that, that you almost hurt yourself.
What is the general guidance on working with Inflated Posture (3 points)?
Must find a level of respect where we are working together with inflated posture.
Find a way of communicating that you are not going to let them put you down.
Don’t try to inflate with them as that will result in escalating power struggle.
What is the general guidance on working with Kinetic Action?
how about we play with making mistakes
What is the general guidance on working with Pliant Collapse (3 points)?
Ensure client takes things in and coach them so they can do it for themselves
Recognize that clients are very smart about getting others to do things for them
Building musculature is very important for these clients
What is the general guidance on working with Sealing off (2 points)?
Recognize internal messages of it’s wrong/bad/shameful to take in support and I can do it myself cause I’m very self-reliant
Encourage them to give themselves a break and let you do the work
What is the general guidance on working with Spreading Out?
Make sure they know you get them.
Education that it’s important to distinguish between the strategy’s emotion and the core self.
Validate the feelings and study how the strategy makes the emotion more intense (and thus increases their own pain)
How do you think this impacts other people? Check it out with me – the therapist then tells a story once and then again they make it bigger. If the client has the experience, then it’s better rather than telling them.
What is the general guidance on working with Holding in? (2)
All about having space to exist on cognitive, emotional and body levels.
Help them feel that its safe on those levels, one degree at a time.
What is one relational experiment to try with Sealing Off?
Practice asking for needs, both in scenarios where therapist will say yes and no (therapist should support the reaching and kindly decline)
How often does Kinetic action appear alone? And what other strategies does hit have an affinity for?
Rarely seen alone (According to Laia)
Affinity with self-reliant sealing off and sometimes compressing down
What strategies have also tend to come with spreading out?
Fluid motion