Lung Neoplasms (Step-Up 2 Med) Flashcards
Lung cancer is divided into what 2 types? How is this differentiation made?
- Small cell lung cancer (25%)
- Non-SCLC (75%)
- Diff must be made via tissue biopsy
Which lung cancer has lowest association w/ smoking?
Local manifestations of lung cancer?
- Airway involvement can lead to Cough, Hemoptysis, Obstruction, Wheezing, Dyspnea
- Recurrent pneumonia (postobstructive)
Which lung cancer is most commonly ass’d w/ local manifestations/symptoms?
Squamous cell carcinoma
cough, hemoptysis, obstruction, wheezing, dyspnea, recurrent pneumonia
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome – which Lung Cancer is most often ass’d & what are the findings?
- Facial fullness
- Facial & arm edema
- Dilated veins over anterior chest, arms, & face
**Occurs in ~5% of patients w/ lung cancer
Phrenic Nerve palsy – findings?
Hemidiaphragmatic paralysis
– Phrenic nerve courses through mediastinum to innervate the diaphragm (nerve destroyed by tumor)
**Occurs in ~1% of patients w/ lung cancer
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve palsy – findings?
Voice hoarseness
**Occurs in ~3% of patients w/ lung cancer
Local invasion symptoms of lung cancer?
- Malignant Pleural Effusion (10-15%)
- SVC syndrome (5%)
- Phrenic nerve palsy (1%)
- Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve palsy (3%)
- Horner’s Syndrome
- Pancoast’s tumor
Most common local invasion symptom in lung cancer?
Malignant Pleural Effusion – occurs in 10-15% of patients w/ lung cancer
– Prognosis is very poor – equivalent to distant metastases
Pancoast’s Tumor – what is it? Which lung cancer is it ass’d w/?
Superior Sulcus Tumor – an apical tumor involving C8 & T1-T2 nerve roots, causing shoulder pain radiating down the arm
– Usually Squamous cell cancers
Pancoast’s Tumor – Sx?
- Pain
- UE weakness 2/2 brachial plexus invasion
- Ass’d w/ Horner’s Syndrome ~60% of the time
SCLC – paraneoplastic syndromes ass’d?
- SIADH (10% SCLC patients)
- Ectopic ACTH secretion
- Eaton-Lambert Syndrome (proximal muscle weakness/fatigability, diminished DTRs, paresthesias – usually in LEs)
Squamous Cell Carcinoma – paraneoplastic syndromes ass’d?
- PTH-like hormone secretion
- Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy (also Adenocarcinoma)
Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy – Sx & cancers it is ass’d w/?
- Severe long bone pain
- Squamous cell carcinoma & Adenocarcinoma
SCLC – prognosis?
Limited disease: 5-year survival = 10-13%
Extensive disease: 5-year survival = 1-2%
**85% of patients have extensive disease @ time of diagnosis