Heme/Onc 1 (Anemias) Flashcards
4 causes of Microcytic Anemia?
- Iron deficiency
- Thalassemia
- Sideroblastic anemia (can also be macrocytic)
- Anemia of chronic disease
How to treat severe anemia?
Packed red blood cells
At what point do you transfuse a patient w/ anemia (via giving packed RBCs)?
- if they are symptomatic (SOB, light-headed, syncope, hypotension, tachycardia, CP)
- if the hematocrit is very low (i.e. 25-30) in an elderly patient or a patient w/ heart disease
What do you use to transfuse a IgA deficient patient?
IgA deficient donor FFP
What are packed RBCs?
Concentrated blood, it is a unit of whole blood w/ 150mL of plasma removed
- Hematocrit = 70-80% (double normal)
How much should each unit of PRBCs raise the hematocrit?
~ 3 points/unit
When is Fresh Frozen Plasma used?
Replaces clotting factors in those w/ elevated PT, aPTT, or INR & bleeding
- used as replacement w/ plasmapheresis
(NOT used for hemophilia A/B or vWD)
What is Cryoprecipitate used for?
Used to replace Fibrinogen & has some utility in DIC
- has high levels of clotting factors in smaller plasma volume
- high levels of Factor 8 & vWF
(basically this is never used first for anything)
Whole blood is divided into what 2 products?
Type of anemia?
Alcoholic w/ microcytic anemia
Sideroblastic anemia
Type of anemia?
Rheumatoid arthritis patient w/ microcytic anemia
Anemia of Chronic Disease
Type of anemia?
Asymptomatic patient w/ microcytic anemia
Thalassemia (trait)
Specific lab findings for iron deficiency anemia?
Microcytic anemia + Low Ferritin
- High TIBC
- High RDW (newer cells iron deficient & smaller)
- Elevated platelet count
Formula for Transferrin saturation?
Iron divided by TIBC
Microcytic anemia - best initial test?
Iron studies
- low ferritin = iron deficiency, low TIBC = Chronic disease, high iron = Sideroblastic
Specific lab findings for Anemia of Chronic Disease?
Microcytic anemia + Low TIBC
- High ferritin
- Low serum iron
Specific lab findings for Sideroblastic Anemia?
Microcytic anemia + Elevated Iron
- Ringed sideroblasts w/ Prussian blue staining
- Basophilic stippling
Which microcytic anemia has normal iron studies?
Specific lab findings for Thalassemia?
Microcytic anemia w/ normal iron studies
Sideroblastic anemia – Most accurate test?
Prussian blue staining for ringed sideroblasts
Iron deficiency anemia – most accurate test?
Bone marrow biopsy for stainable iron
Thalassemia – most accurate test?
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Bleeding disorders: 1st step?
Det. if related to platelets or clotting factors
Platelets: Superficial (epistaxis, gingival, petechiae, purpura, mucosal surfaces such as the gums, vaginal bleeding
CFs: Deep (Joints & Muscles)
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) – presentation?
- Isolated thrombocytopenia (normal hematocrit & WBC count)
- Normal-sized spleen
(Ex: 23-yr old woman w/ markedly increased menstrual bleeding & bleeding gums when she brushes her teeth, & petechiae on physical exam)