Heme/Onc 2 Flashcards
What is Polycythemia Vera?
Unregulated overproduction of all 3 cell lines
- RBC overproduction is most prominent
(Hematocrit > 60%)
- elevated B12 w/ low MCV also seen
Polycythemia Vera – genetic mutation?
JAK2 protein mutation (most accurate Dx test)
- RBCs grow wildly despite low erythropoietin
Polycythemia Vera – presentation?
Sx of hyper viscosity from inc’d RBC mass:
- Headache, blurred vision, tinnitus
- Fatigue
- Splenomegaly
- Bleeding from engorged blood vessels
- Thrombosis from hyper viscosity
How to differentiate Polycythemia Vera vs. other causes of inc’d hematocrit?
- Renal Cell cancer has inc’d erythropoietin (PV is dec’d)
- Hypoxia has low oxygen (PV is nl oxygen)
Polycythemia Vera – Tx?
- Phlebotomy & aspirin prevent thrombosis
- Hydroxyurea helps lower cell count
- Allopurinol or Rasburicase protects against uric acid rise
- Antihistamines
Why does pruritis often follows warm showers in myeloproliferative diseases?
b/c of histamine release from increased numbers of basophils
- Polycythemia Vera, CML, etc.
Essential Thrombocytosis – what is it?
Markedly elevated platelet count > 1 million
- leads to both Thrombosis & Bleeding
Essential Thrombocytosis – when do you treat?
If pt < 60yrs & asymptomatic – No Tx
if pt > 60 & symptomatic – Treat w/:
- Hydroxyurea (best initial Tx)
- Anagrelide used when Hydroxyurea causes RBC suppression
- Aspirin used for erythromelalgia (painful, red hands)
Essential Thrombocytosis – best initial Tx?
Hydroxyurea = best initial Tx
- Anagrelide used when Hydroxyurea causes RBC suppression
- Aspirin used for erythromelalgia (painful, red hands)
Myelofibrosis – what is it?
Disease of older persons w/ pancytopenia ass’d w/ bone marrow showing marked fibrosis
- Blood production shifts to spleen & liver, which become markedly enlarged
Myelofibrosis – lab findings?
Blood smear shows:
- Teardrop cells
- Nucleated RBCs
Myelofibrosis – Tx?
Thalidomide & Lenalidomide are TNF-inhibitors that increase bone marrow production
- if pt presents < 50-55yrs., allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is attempted
Acute Leukemia – presentation?
Signs of Pancytopenia (fatigue, infection, bleeding) even though WBC count is normal or inc’d
- infections b/c leukemic cells (blasts) do not function properly, even though numbers are normal
Leukemia ass’d w/ DIC?
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (M3)
- also ass’d w/ Auer Rods (eosinophilic inclusions
translocation between chromosomes 15 & 17)
Acute Leukemia – best initial test?
Blood smear showing blasts
Acute Leukemia – most accurate test?
Flow cytometry
- detects specific CD subtypes ass’d w/ each type of leukemia
Myeloperoxidase is characteristic of which type of leukemia?
Acute Myelocytic Leukemia (AML)
Drug that prevents tumor lysis related rise in uric acid?
M3 (AML) – Tx?
All-Trans-Retinoic Acid (ATRA)
Drug that prevents relapse of ALL in CNS?
CML – presentation?
Persistently high WBC count that’s all neutrophils
- Pruritis common after warm showers
- Splenomegaly w/ early satiety, abdominal fullness, & LUQ pain
- Vague Sx: fatigue, night sweats, fever (hyper metabolic)
- High WBC on routine exam
How to differentiate CML vs. leukemoid rxn, when pt has high WBC count?
CML = low LAP
Reactive Leukocytosis (infection, stress) = high LAP
CML – Tx?
Best initial Tx = Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors – Imatinib, Dasatinib, Nilotinib
- BMT can cure, but shouldn’t be 1st therapy
Acute Leukostasis Reaction – what is it?
WBC count > 100,000/microL
- abnormal intravascular leukocyte aggregation and clumping
- Emergency – must undergo Leukapheresis