Lule Chapter 1: The medium is the message Flashcards
mass communication
Information transmitted to large segments of the population
A means of
communication and transmission; a plural of medium
mass media
The means of communication that is designed to reach a wide audience
The expressed and shared values, attitudes, beliefs, and practices that characterize a social group, organization, or institution
Gutenberg’s mechanical moveable type (later became the printing press)
Information was more widely available and able to be spread much faster– made available to mass market in 1844 (15th century)
penny press
gains popularity in the mid-1800s– privileged news of murder and adventure over the dry political news of the day
Morse’s electrical telegraph
Laid foundation to radio– made in 1837
Kodak camera
Made in 1888 and led to 19th century photographs– laid foundation for TV
postmodern era
began during the second half of the 20th century– revealed instability after war, destruction, and the rise of the internet
people or institutions that influence mass media and shape the way others think, eat, listen, drink, dress, and act
the people who help determine which stories make it to the public
media literacy
The skill of being able to decode and process the messages and symbols transmitted by media; such as by learning how to discern bias, spin, and misinformation in the media
A deliberate lie meant to mislead– spreads false information
an honest mistake– spreads false information
what is the purpose of the five media literacy questions (they are author, format, audience, content, and purpose)?
A person who is media literate is able to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information