LT3 Other Research Into Effects Of Deprivation Flashcards
In Cockett and trips study what to do with the groups
The groups are matched for age, sex, socio economic status and mothers education
In Cockett and trips study how were the children assessed
The children were assessed by interviews and questionnaires on areas such social life, the school success, their health and how their parents prepare them for the separation
What did cook it and trip find in the study
I found children from reordered families had the most problems at school and with the house. These problems increase with multiple reordering
What was the conclusion from Cockett and trips study
The conclusion was divorced and reordering had adverse affects on children, as did conflict but will let agree. It is likely that the poorer outcomes for children reordered families can be minimised by preparation before the event and proper contact afternoon and
What were positive contributions from Cockerton tricks study into long term deprivation
The recearch has positive contributions to society. It suggests that society should encourage parents to have a children for the forthcoming to separation or divorce
What were controlled for in Cockerton trips study which is a positive
Individual differences were controlled for through the matched pairs design. The three groups are matched on key variables such as age and maternal educational variables which can affect the validity of the findings
What is a weakness of Crockett and trips study
It is not possible to attribute cause-and-effect. Whilst there are positive correlations between reordering problems at school, other factors could have produced a similar effect such as losing friends on moving school
Who conducted research into short-term deprivation and what did they do
James Robertson and his wife Joyce Robertson conducted a number of naturalistic observations of children between 17 months and three years about.
What did the Robertsons believe about short term deprivation
The Robertsons were convinced that separating babies from the mothers was harmful and that with. Proper substitute care the negative effects of separation could be overcome
Overall what was the conclusion drawn from the Robertsons naturalistic observations
The conclusion was that children deprived of their attachment figure went through three stages, known as PDD
What was the first stage of the Robertsons conclusions about the stage children go through went through when deprived of an attachment figure
Protest – the child will immediately protest after separation and during this stage the child appears really distressed, and will cry loudly, shake their court, throw themselves around to look eagerly towards any sound or side which might prove to be the missing mother
What was the second stage of the Robertsons conclusions about the stage children go through went through when deprived of an attachment figure
Despair – this is displayed by the child, where still it is evident that child is missing their mother, but they display increasing signs of hopelessness, with active movements diminishing and the crying becoming more intermittent all monotonous, the child will be more withdrawn and a deep state of morning
What was the third stage of the Robertsons conclusions about the stage children go through went through when deprived of an attachment figure
Detachment – the child appears to show more interest in the surroundings, and no longer projects other adults all their food and toys, if the mother later and visit the child, they may seem to hardly know the mother, And certainly won’t clean to her. This is thought to involve depression more than acceptance
What is the strength of the Robertsons research into short-term deprivation in terms of ecological validity
The studies have hydrological validity because the observations of a naturalistic involved filming real life situations. Real children such as Laura were filmed separated from their attachment figures when in hospital
What is a strength and weakness of the Robertsons research into short-term decoration terms of reliability
Studies have some reliability as the Robertsons made several films of children separated from their attachment figures and found similar results. However the observations cannot be strictly replicated because they were all naturalistic observations, so the actual situation cannot be repeated in an identical format naturally. For example Laura was in hospital for a minor operation which in itself must have been very upsetting where as John was staying in the hospital nursery while his mother was giving birth to a sibling.
What is a weakness of the Robertsons research into short time deprivation in terms of population for the two
The studies have low population validity. This is because they’re all very unique cases, and it is hard to generalise the findings from one individual, who will have had unique experiences with that attachment figure and family, which will not be exactly comparable to another children’s experience
Who conducted research into long-term deprivation about divorce and family reordering and what did they do
Cockett and Tripp studied 150 children and their parents. The children were split into three groups and compared - children from intact families with no serious conflict, children from intact families with serious conflict and reordered families