LT11 Case Studies In Child Psyc Flashcards
Give six points describing case studies in child psychology
Case studies are in debt, detailed investigations conducted on a single child or small group of children. Case studies are often used to investigate very rare or uni cases, for example Child privation. Case studies are used worked as an ethical to conduct experiments and research, for example it would be inappropriate to deliberately probate child as this would cause great harm. Variety of research method can be used to assess the Childs development for example interviewing parents, observations and cognitive tests such as IQ tests. Case studies often Longitudinal in nature as they focus on the development changes of the same child/children over period time. Jenny is a case study of an individual girl who was severely neglected by her parents, she was researched extensively by group psychologists using a range of methods, for example her behaviour was observed, sleeping patterns are measured and her language development tested in order to give in-depth detailed data on her development assessing her rehabilitations
Have a case study is high reliability when used in child psychology
Case studies are home reliability because they involve the use of money research methods when observing children, interviewing them and their parents and carrying out cognitive tests such as an IQ test on the children which can all be compared. If the results found from each method are consistent and reliability is established, as each method shows similar results. Do use of a wide range of methods is useful when considering the recovery of the child and forming appropriate intervention strategies which can be used with similar cases of child neglect
Okay studies hi invalidity in child psychology
Case studies are high and validity because they gather rich and detailed data about a single child so the findings allow for more complete picture to be formed about the development of the child. By using a variety of research methods such as observations, interviews and compensate us on the child, triangulation can be achieved to ensure the findings from one method of validated by the findings for another. This Richard detailed data allows suitable interventiontechniques to be planned to help other children in similar situations or to try and understand how to prevent similar situations occurring in the future
Have a case studies into child psychology high in ecological validity
Coastal is a high in ecological validity because they are conducted in the Childs natural environment such as play settings, so real life examples can be examined and explained. For example the case study of Jeannie informed us of the nature of real life probation as she was isolated from a young age due to real life circumstances.
How to case studies and child psychology and are you to establish a cause-and-effect relationship
Case studies can establish cause and effect relationships because most case studies are longitudinal in design, meaning they study one child or a group of children over a long period of time; this means the results will highlight any developmental changes. This is useful in child psychology as we not only learn how the child develops but it allows us to monitor the success of a treatment program over time. For example the development of the check twins was researched and tracks over many years, from the age of seven when they were found through to adult life when the twins married and had children
How are studies in child psychology Low in reliability
Case studies are low in reliability because investigate one unique child at one moment in time; this child will typically have specific issues and problems which are unlikely to be repeatable under the same circumstances. This means results from unique case studies and children cannot be easily cross checked for reliability , As Under different circumstances it is unlikely the same outcome will be found again. For example Jeannie was unique and to circumstances so extreme that a similar situation is unlikely to occur so we cannot be sure her treatment will result in the same outcome every time.
How do you case studies suffer from research of bias
Case study suffer from research of bias because the data gathered has to be interpreted by the researcher, meaning that personal opinions can become involved and biased results. This affect the reliability of the data as different researchers may interpret the same data differently and come to different conclusions. However the technique of trying to nation is often employed to ensure researcher bias is controlled, meaning that one set of data from one researcher is not solely used.
How our case studies low in population validity
Case studies a moment population validity because we cannot generalise the findings of the case study to the wider population as they are based on a single one off unique case that would be very different from any other. For example the case study of Jeannie is under representative of the general population because her experiences, such as whether she was retarded from birth or not and is not an aspect of all provided children.
How can case studies not infer a cause and effect relationships
They are typically naturally occurring circumstances such in such in the case of approach a child, which means that not all variables can be controlled or accounted for. In the case of provided to children that age they are found, the extent of their privacy on and whether they are born with any specific learning difficulties, are all examples of variables which mean establishing a cause-and-effect of probation is not possible
How was informed consent and if she wants studying children in a case study
There may be issues of informed consent with regards to access to prorated children. The children may be under legal guardianship of another who may give consent on their behalf. The child itself cannot give informed consent as they’re not competent to be informed due to the comprehension level and their vulnerability
How was confidentiality and issue when studying children in a case study
Case studies are very rare, meaning the child is likely to be identifiable through their research, so that identity should remain confidential. Pseudonyms are often given to protect the Childs identity during the study and in the future, particularly from unwanted media attention
What an ethical issue with using case studies in researching children in terms of exploitation
In case studies children can be exposed to many different types of testing and be studied intensively for a long period of time which may be distressing and an abuse of the psychologist role. Jenny was subject to extensive psychological testing, such as experiment some scans which may have caused her psychological distress . The researchers may put their personal desire for research evidence before the child’s welfare, meaning they are exploited