Low Visibility Operations - Section 1 Chapter 9 Flashcards
What is the criteria for requesting Low Visibility Safeguarding?
- Any IRVR is 1000m and is expected to fall below 550m, or
- The cloud ceiling is 300ft and is expected to fall below 200ft
Describe Low Visibility Safeguarding and what happens?
- Safeguarding is the preparatory step for commencing LVPs
- ILS Sensitive and Critical Areas are protected
- Vehicles on the manoeuvring area must obtain an ATC clearance or adhere to airside roads
- Yankee between W1 and the east of Hangar 6 will be barriered by Airfield Operations to protect the Glide Path Sensitive Area (GPSA).
- AIR will coordinate the use of CAT III holds
When are LVPs required?
Low Visibility Procedures are required when:
- The touchdown IRVR is less than 550m
- The cloud ceiling is less than 200ft
- The sky is obscured
If the touchdown point IRVR is unserviceable, which other visibility values may be used?
If the IRVR system is wholly unserviceable, which visibility values may be used instead to determine if LVPs are required?
Met visibility
Describe the setup of the AGL power
- There are two independent HV supplies plus a standby generator.
- If a HV supply fails, the generators will start and be used as the primary supply.
If the secondary power supply to the AGL fails, what should happen?
- ATIS Message
- Pilots informed by AIR over the RTF for an appropriate period
What should ATCOs broadcast during the time between the Supervisor calling for safeguarding and the safeguarding being in place?
“All vehicles are advised that Low Visibility Safeguarding is now in force. Vehicles on the manoeuvring area must obtain an ATC clearance or adhere to airside roads”
Once safeguarding has been requested where should ATCOs avoid and when should maps be put on?
- Yankee between W1 and the east of Hangar 6, which will be barriered by Ops.
- W1-H6 map on when Airfield Operations notify via R/T that the barriers are in place
Once safeguarding is in place what should the AIR ATCO test and why?
The ‘Low’ RIMCAS Setting
To test and discover any false alerts triggered by safeguarding barriers or other movable obstacles
What setting must RIMCAS be put into once LVPs commence?
Can LVPs commence whilst there are infringements of the LSA, for example an aircraft holding at a Cat 1 holding point?
No, timely use of CAT III holds is important
Is Alpha-Sierra inside or outside of the LSA?
What are the AIR ATCO actions upon the implementation of LVPs?
- If not already, select CAT III stop bars
- Display an ‘LVP’ strip in the runway bay
- Inform KK INT/FIN and agree spacing
- Select RIMCAS visibility to ‘Low’
- Display ILS Critical Area and ILS LSA maps on ASMGCS
- Broadcast: “Low Visibility Procedures in operation”
What are the GMC ATCO actions upon commencement of LVPs?
- Select RIMCAS visibility to ‘Low’
- Display ILS Critical Area and ILS LSA maps on ASMGCS
- Broadcast: “Low Visibility Procedures in operation”
What is the procedure for LVPs being enforced before safeguarding has been completed?
- Inbound aircraft are passed the IRVR and it must be made clear that LVPs are not in operation
- Pilots shall decide whether to continue
What are the AIR ATCO actions upon the cancellation of LVPs?
- Remove ‘LVP’ check strip from runway bay
- Inform KK INT/FIN and agree spacing
- Select CAT I stop bars using the RGB and coordinate with GMC
- Select RIMCAS visibility to ‘Normal’
- Deselect ILS Critical Area and ILS LSA maps on ASMGCS
- Broadcast: “Low Visibility Procedures are cancelled. Low Visibility Safeguarding remains in place”
What are the GMC ATCO actions upon the cancellation of LVPs?
- Select RIMCAS visibility to ‘Normal’
- Deselect ILS Critical Area and ILS LSA maps on ASMGCS
- Broadcast: “Low Visibility Procedures are cancelled. Low Visibility Safeguarding remains in place”
What are the ATCO actions upon the cancellation of Safeguarding?
- Broadcast: “Low Visibility Safeguarding is cancelled”
- Once opened by Airfield Operations, deselect W1-H6 closure map on ASMGCS
What is the localiser sensitive area (LSA)?
A rectangular area 137m either side of the runway centreline between the localizer aerial and the beginning of the runway in use
How far back from the Runway Centreline are the CAT III holds?
When must an arriving aircraft be given a landing clearance or go-around instructions in LVPs?
Before they reach 1nm from touchdown.
Arrival following a departure in LVPs, where must the departure be in order to issue a landing clearance, and by what distance from touchdown?
The departure must have passed the localiser aerial by the time the arrival reaches 2nm from touchdown, otherwise Go-Around.
Arrival following an arrival in LVPs, when must landing clearance be given and can it be reduced?
- 2nm
- May be reduced to 1nm provided the second arrival is told to “expect a late clearance”
In LVPs, ahead of an arriving aircraft, when can nothing be cleared to enter the LSA or GPSA, and then when can it?
From 1nm until the arrival has turned away from the runway centreline and is established on a runway exit
If the LSA or GPSA are known to be infringed can an aircraft still land?
Which lights indicate the boundaries of the LSA?
On runway exits, there are alternating yellow and green lead-off lights and the last yellow light indicates the LSA boundary
Can an arriving aircraft be instructed to hold anywhere inside the LSA?
What extra rule is associated with Code E/F aircraft that have vacated 26L at Hotel or Juliet and routed onto 08L in LVPs?
Once on 08L, if they turn northbound onto/through J, the tail may infringe the LSA
When can takeoff clearance be given to aircraft in LVPs?
When the LSA ahead of the departing aircraft is NOT infringed.
Can an aircraft or vehicle infringe the LSA while an aircraft is rolling for takeoff?
Define the LSA in the case of a departing aircraft
Between the departing aircraft and the localiser aerial
What happens to free-ranging during Safeguarding/LVPs?
Free-ranging is not permitted, vehicles must obtain an ATC clearance or stick to airside roads
Restricted Free-Ranging may be allowed during Safeguarding and LVPs due to low cloud
Which vehicles can use the restricted free-ranging procedure during LVOs?
- Airfield Operations
- Airfield Engineering
if fitted with a functioning transponder
When can restricted free-ranging be allowed?
* Authorised by the Supervisor
* Safeguarded
* In LVPs due to low cloud
Describe the area of restricted free-ranging during LVOs and what a vehicle must do if they wish to proceed beyond this area
Juliet/Zulu and everywhere north
Any vehicle wishing to proceed south of Juliet/Zulu is required to be under positive control
Can vehicles access the southern perimeter track during safeguarding/LVPs?
Are vehicles allowed enter/exit the runway via Bravo during LVPs and why?
No. Because B1 infringes the LSA and there is no B3.
When vacating the runway during LVPs, are vehicles allowed to free-range wherever they like?
No, vehicles vacating the runway at any point must be issued with a positive clearance.
Is Restricted Free-Ranging allowed when LVPs are in force due to low cloud?
Yes, with the permission of the Tower Supervisor.
Is Restricted Free-Ranging allowed when LVPs are in force due to touchdown IRVR being less than 550m?
Where are barriers placed on Yankee at the implementation of safeguarding and which areas do they protect?
- Between W1 and Y3 (to protect the LSA)
- Border of Block 15/16 up to H6 eastern entrance (to protect the GPSA)
What are AFS procedures in Reduced Visibility?
- During safeguarding, AFS may request a positive route
- During LVPs, AFS shall request a positive route which should be treated as a priority
What actions should occur if an ASMGCS screen or individual CWP fails during any Low Visibility Operations?
Screen : Staff are to share screens and a new screen should be sourced immediately.
CWP : The screen will be switched to display another CWP
If the SMR fails, what will be visible on ASMGCS?
Only transponder equipped aircraft/vehicles.
What actions should occur if the SMR fails during LVOs?
- All vehicles/aircraft must report when entering and vacating the restricted area
- Non-transponding aircraft/vehicles are not allowed within the restricted area once an arrival is 4nm from touchdown or a departing aircraft is cleared for take-off
What actions should occur if the MDS fails during LVOs?
Normal operations may continue using SMR information.
What are the possible ways that we could operate during total failure of the ASMGCS in LVOs?
Only operationally essential vehicles will operate within the restricted area
No aircraft or vehicles shall be cleared to manoeuvre within the restricted area once
- An arrival is within 4nm
- A departure has been cleared for takeoff
- Unless the aircraft/vehicle is stationary and its position can be verified
Aircraft not visible will make position reports and progressive taxi can be given and assured using the AGL
Arriving aircraft must report when they have vacated and are no longer in the restricted area. For example “report when eastbound on taxiway Juliet”
Departing aircraft must report airborne
In the event of a Go-Around, nothing shall be cleared onto the runway until the GA is identified on the ATM
Can AFS vehicles without a transponder that are responding to an incident enter the restricted area during LVPs?