Emergencies - Section 8 Flashcards
Can requests for AFS attendance be made on the direct line to AFS?
Who is emergency action to be initiated by?
Any member of staff who is:
* In communication with the aircraft involved, or
* In receipt of information that such action is necessary
For an inbound emergency aircraft, at what time should alerting action be carried out?
ETA less than 30 minutes
Right Away without delay
ETA more than 30 minutes
Alerting action carried out at ETA = 30 minutes
Name the categories of emergency alert and what line they are called on.
Local Standby - Emergency Line
Full Emergency - Emergency Line
Aircraft Accident - Crash Line
Aircraft Accident Imminent - Crash Line
Aircraft Ground Incident - Crash Line
On which emergency lines do GCC and AFS read back?
Emergency Line - GCC to read-back
Crash Line - AFS to read-back
What is the procedure for initiating emergency action for an aircraft in comms with TC more than 10nm from Touchdown?
- Details passed by TC GS to Tower Sup
- Tower Sup responsible for initiating emergency action
What is the procedure for initiating emergency action for an aircraft in comms with TC less than 10nm from Touchdown?
- KK INT/FIN will alert AIR using the priority line
- AIR responsible for initiating emergency action.
Which types of aircraft incidents require mandatory alerting action, and which action do they require?
- Hydraulic Failure - Full Emergency
- Engine Failure
More than 50% - Full Emergency
Less than 50% Engine - Local Standby - Flight Crew Incapacitation - Full Emergency
- Evacuation - AGI
- Rapid Decompression - Full Emergency
In the event of a 3 or 4 engined aircraft approaching to land with one engine unserviceable, which action is to be initiated?
Local Standby
In the event of an Aircraft Decompression, what word must be used when undertaking mandatory alerting action?
The word ‘Decompression’ must be included in the ‘nature of trouble’ category
When should emergency aircraft be given a landing clearance if a go around would NOT compromise the situation?
When should emergency aircraft be given a landing clearance if a go around WOULD compromise the situation?
If a MAYDAY/PAN aircraft elects to approach the non-duty runway, at what distance from touchdown must departing traffic be stopped?
Who is to be notified when an emergency aircraft is number 1 to land?
AFS (Fire 1)
If smoke or flames are suspected during an aircraft emergency, what information should also be passed to the crew?
The surface wind
If ‘fire’ is suspected by an ATCO, should the word ‘fire’ be used?
No, Smoke and/or Flames should be used
What is an Off-Paved Area Incident and what alerting action should take place?
Off Paved Area Incident
* Aircraft touches down short of the runway
* Aircraft over-runs the runway
* Aircraft otherwise leaves the paved surface of the manoeuvring area
Alerting Action
Aircraft Ground Incident and off paved area incident must be included in the nature of trouble
Name the Rendezvous Points
- RVP South
- RVP Police Station
- RVP North
- RVP East
For which emergencies are each RVP used for?
- RVP South - Full Emergency, Aircraft Accident
- RVP Police Station - As directed by Police
- RVP North - AGI or if RVP South is unavailable
- RVP East - Crash between the railway line and the motorway
What is an accident outside the aerodrome boundary but within control of the AIR controller called?
Aircraft Accident Off-Aerodrome
What is the procedure for an Aircraft Accident Within the Gatwick CTA/CTR but not under control of the AIR controller?
- No CRASH call
- AFS advised on direct line
- TC shall initiate alerting action
Who can upgrade an emergency category?
- Police Commander
- AFS Officer in Charge
Which is the only form of emergency that can be downgraded before an aircraft lands?
A Full Emergency to a Local Standby
Do AFS need to be made aware of any dangerous goods onboard an aircraft experiencing an emergency?
Yes. Details of dangerous goods should be included in the ‘nature of trouble’ when initiating emergency action.
If ATC become aware of an accident or incident involving radioactivity onboad an aircraft in the air, what is the lowest category of emergency to be initiated and what phrase shall be used?
Full Emergency and the phrase “Radiation Suspected” is to be used to indicate nature of trouble
Which extra outside organisation should be notified of an Aircract Accident or Aircraft Accident Imminent?
Network Rail, so that they can isolate the power supply
Can ATC initiate the cancellation of emergencies?
No, the Senior Fire Officer is responsible for the cancellation of emergencies
After an emergency, when can aircraft be cleared for onward taxi?
When ATC have received confirmation from AFS/Ops that all vehicles and personnel are clear
If the runway is closed due to an aircraft accident or incident, who’s responsibility is it to declare the runway re-open?
AOM only
What is the Gatwick Fire Frequency?
What is the international distress frequency?
When should a Weather Standby be initiated?
Whenever weather makes landing or take-off difficult or difficult to observe, including LVPs
Which information is required to request an ambulance?
- Age
- Sex
- Chief Complaint
- Level of Consciousness
Any extra information is helpful, such as seat number and medication
What are the levels of disruptive passenger and how should these levels be spoken about with Police?
- Level 1 - Disruptive behaviour
- Level 2 - Physically abusive behaviour
- Level 3 - Life-threatening behaviour
- Level 4 - Attempted or actual breach of the flight deck
The threat level must be ‘decoded’ into plain English when speaking to the Police
What does the term Act of Agression Ground mean?
An actual or suspected bomb, armed attack, the taking of hostages, and other acts of terrorism within the boundary
What is Operation Cairn?
When the Police request a stop on all movements due to a police incident
What are the AIR ATCO actions in the event of Op CAIRN activation?
* Arrivals inside 2nm Go Around
* Suspend all departures
* Advise aircraft to hold position and shut down
* Advise arrivals outside of 2nm that the runway is closed
* Co-ordinate with KK INT/FIN
* Inbound emergency aircraft can still land
What are the GMC ATCO actions in the event of Op CAIRN activation?
- Suspend all pushbacks
- Instruct all aircraft, including those under tow, to hold position and shut down
What are some examples of situations which could indicate an airborne security situation?
- Squawk 7500
- Selection of 7600/7700
- Unauthorised SSR code changes
- Extended use of IDENT
- Unauthorised deviation from clearance
- Refusal or inability to comply with ATC instructions for no good reason
- Open RTF transmitter from the cockpit
- Non-ATC related RTF transmission
- Loss of RTF contact
- Use of non-standard phraseology other covert attempt to highlight the situation
- Notification from third party
What is callsign Doughnut and what should happen?
What is it?
Category A Flight
What should happen?
Do not discuss purpose of flight over RTF
Inform the Supervisor Immediately
What are the AFS standby positions for 08R/26L?
- Western end of Juliet/Fire Training Ground
- AFS Forecourt
- Taxiway Tango
- Holding Point M3 (08R only)
What are the AFS standby positions for 08L/26R?
- AFS Forecourt
- Taxiway Tango
- Fire Training Ground
When do AFS require positive clearance when responding to an emergency?
- To access the active runway
- If the Senior Fire Officers deems it necessary due to visibility
What is the RFF category of Gatwick?
What are the ATCO actions in the event of depletion of RFFS?
- Broadcast immediately on all operational RTF channels
“Message from the Aerodrome Authority, Rescue and Fire Fighting facilities reduced to Category (x)”
What are the AIR ATCO actions in the event of RFFS Cat 0?
- Broadcast immediately
“Message from the Aerodrome Authority, Rescue and Fire Fighting facilities reduced to Category 0, no rescue and fire fighting services are available” - Suspend Departures
- Inform KK INT/FIN and Co-Ordinate Arrivals
- It may be safer to allow an aircraft on short final to land
- Emergency inbound aircraft must be advised of the reduced category but are allowed to continue
What are the GMC ATCO actions in the event of RFFS Cat 0?
- Broadcast immediately
“Message from the Aerodrome Authority, Rescue and Fire Fighting facilities reduced to Category 0, no rescue and fire fighting services are available. All Stations Hold Position” - Suspend Movements
- Inbound taxiing aircraft should be asked their intentions and are allowed to continue to stand