GMC - Pushbacks Flashcards
Stand 1
Face north on taxiway Whiskey abeam stand 2, south of taxiway Juliet
Stand 2
Face north on taxiway Whiskey abeam stand 3, clear of taxiway Zulu
Stand 3
Face north on taxiway Whiskey, south of taxiway Alpha-November
Stand 4
Face west on taxiway Victor
Stand 5
Push to face north on taxiway Victor, then pull forwartd to face west abeam stand 4
Stand 10
Face north on taxiway Whiskey abeam stand 2, south of taxiway Juliet
Stand 11
Face north on taxiway Whiskey abeam stand 2, south of taxiway Juliet
Stand 12
Face west on taxiway Juliet, then pull forward abeam stand 12
Stand 13L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Kilo.
If aircraft is Code D size or larger, pushback is into Kilo-Alpha to face south, not infringing taxiway Lima
Stand 14
Face west on taxiway Juliet abeam 12
Stand 15
Face west on Kilo
If aircraft is longer than 55m (e.g B764) there is insufficient room for an aircraft to proceed onto stands 15 or 31L/M/R
Stand 16
Face west on taxiway Juliet abeam
stand 14
Stand 17
Face west on taxiway Kilo
Stand 18
Face north on taxiway Juliet.
Stand 19
Face west on taxiway Kilo
Stand 20
Face north on taxiway Juliet.
Stand 21
Face west on taxiway Kilo
Stand 22
Face north on taxiway Juliet.
Stand 23
Face west on taxiway Kilo
Stand 24
Face north on taxiway Juliet
Stand 25
Face west on taxiway Kilo.
Stand 27
Face south on taxiway November.
Stand 28
Face north on taxiway Juliet
Stand 31L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Kilo
If aircraft is longer than 55m (e.g B764) there is insufficient room for an aircraft to proceed onto stands 15 or 31L/M/R
Stand 32L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Kilo
Stand 33L/M/R
Face south on taxiway Kilo-Alpha, clear of Lima and Kilo.
A346 pushing from stand 33M may only push to face west on taxiway Kilo abeam stand 32M.
Stand 34L/M/R
Face north on taxiway Kilo-Alpha, clear of Lima and Kilo.
If pushing back non-standard from 34L/M/R the aircraft shall be instructed to push long on L abeam stand 46.
Stand 35L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Lima abeam stand 46
Stand 36L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Lima.
A Code E aircraft with a wingspan larger than 61M (e.g >B772) cannot be pushed back far enough to allow another aircraft onto stand 36
Stand 37
Face west on taxiway Lima.
When an aircraft has pushed from stand 37 or 38, there is insufficient room for an aircraft to proceed onto stands 37 or 38.
Stand 38
Face west on taxiway Lima.
When an aircraft has pushed from stand 37 or 38, there is insufficient room for an aircraft to proceed onto stands 37 or 38.
Stand 46
Face west on taxiway Lima
Stand 47L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Lima abeam stand 46
Stand 48L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Lima abeam stand 46
Stand 49L/M/R
49L/M - Face west on taxiway Lima then pull forward abeam stand 50
49R - Push straight back into taxiway Kilo-Alpha then pull forward to face west on Lima abeam stand 50
Stand 50
Face west on taxiway Lima then pull forward abeam stand 50
Stand 51L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Lima
Stand 52L/M/R
Face west on taxiway Lima abeam stand 51, clear of taxiway Papa
Stand 53
Runway 26 - Face east on taxiway Lima
Runway 08 - Face west on taxiway Lima