Liver Flashcards
Space of Mall is continuous with
space of Disse
The space of Mall drains into
________ covers the surface of the liver except at the diaphragmatic attachment
Glisson’s thin capsule of FECT
What are the three types of Hepatic Lobules
- Classic
- Portal
- Liver acinus
Structure of Classic Hepatic Lobule
- Central venule is in the center of the lobule
- Portal triads are at the angles
Structure of Portal hepatic lobule
- Three central venules of adjacent lobules form a triangle
- Portions of the bile canaliculi of the three lobules drain into the same bile duct
where are portal triads found
at the angles (corners) of classic lobule
What are the three components of the portal triad
- Branch of hepatic artery (arteriole)
- Branch of portal vein (venule)
- Bile duct (ductule)
Liver acinus includes ____ zones defined by hepatic tissue receiving blood from a ________________ to opposite ________
3, branch of the hepatic artery, to opposite central veins
A characteristic of liver acinus are metabolic gradients that extend from _______ to _____
hepatic triad, central vein
- Polyhedral in form
- Central nucleus with one or more nucleoli
- cytoplasm may contain glycogen, fat droplets, and pigment granules
- Basolateral domain
- Microvilli
- Faces space of Disse
- involved in
- absorption of blood-borne substances
- Secretion of plasma proteins
- Apical Domain:
- Borders bile canaliculus
Lining of hepatic sinusoids
- Fenestrated endothelial cells
- Discontinuous basal lamina
Where are perisinusoidal cells found
in the space of Disse
Perisinusoidal cells store
Vitamin A
Perisinusoidal cells produce
collagen fibers and extracellular matrix components
During cirrhosis perisinusoidal cells
-Transform into myofibroblasts
- become the main collagen Type I producing cells
- Stimulated by cytokines from hepatocytes, Kupffer cells and lymphocytes
Subendothelial space of Disse
- Space between basal lamina and hepatocytes
- contains microvilli of basolateral domain of hepatocytes
- Contains types I,III, IV collagens
- Contains interstitial fluid that drains into the space of Mall that drains into lymphatics
Kupffer Cells are derived from
Function of Kupffer Cell
Phagocytic cell
Kupffer cells line
hepatic sinusoids
Location of bile canaliculus
Extracellular canal located between two rows of hepatocytes
- recieves bile from hepatocytes
Function of the Canal of Herining (cholangiole)
- Receives bile from canaliculus
- Carries bile to bile ductule
Space of Disse
- Separates hepatic cells from endothelial cells
- Active in transfer between blood and parenchyma
Structure of the Gallbladder
- Fundus
- body
- neck
- mucosal folds form the spiral valve of Heister
- Wall
- Mucosa
- Epithelium is tall columnar with a striated border
- Lamina propria of CT has extensive vascular plexuses and may contain a few smooth cells
- Rokitansky-Aschoff Sinuses are small diverticula of the mucosa which extend into the muscular and perimuscular layers and may indicate pathological change
- Muscularis externa
- Layers of smooth muscle separated by layers of CT
- Mucosa
- Serosa
- has a broad perimuscular CT coat, rich in blood and lymphatic vessels and elastic fibers
Spiral valve of hister
Mucosal folds in the neck of the Gallbladder
small divertiula of the mucosa of the gallbladder, which extends into the muscular and perimuscular layers and may indicate pathological change
major ducts of the gallbladder
- Cystic duct
- Hepatic duct
- Common bile duct
Mucosa of gallbladder ducts
lined with columnar epithelium with goblet cells
branches from the portal vein enter the liver lobule and empty into the
hepatic sinusoids
Afferent blood vessels ive off interlobular branches to the liver name them
portal vein
hepatic artery
Explain the blood flow from the portal vein and hepatic artery
Branches form the portal vein or hepatic artery enter the lobule and empty into hepatic sinusoids which converge toward the center of the lobule and empty into the central vein, central veins unite to form a sublobular vein, tributary of the hepatic vein
Functions of the liver
- Removal of bile pigments form the blood and secretion of these pigments into bile
- Storing of glycogen