Liver Flashcards
What is the normal colour of the liver?
Typically a reddish-brown, but may be brown in animals, such as cattle, sheep and pigs, that have been bled out
Why might a liver be yellow-brownish in colour?
Accumulation of fats in the liver can cause it to have a yellowish-brown appearance
Why might a liver be greenish/yellow?
Post-mortem changes can cause areas of pallor or darkening or greenish-yellow discolouration, especially adjacent to the gall bladder
What is the weight of the liver dependent on?
The weight of the liver as a proportion of body wieght can vary depending on factors includin the species (higher in carnoviores comapred to herbivores), nutritional status (hepatic storage of glycogen and fat) and age (liver weight decreases with age).
What is the percentage of body weight of the liver?
Dog = 3-4%
Horse = 1-1.5%
What blood vessels deliver blood to the liver?
Portal vein – provides 70-80% of the blood inflow
Hepatic artery
From which organs does the blood in the portal vein come from?
Collects blood from the spleen, pancreas, stomach and intestines
From what blood vessel does the hepatic artery originate from?
From the ceoliac artery, which arises from the aorta
What blood vessels drain blood from the liver?
Hepatic vein to the caudal vena cava
After blood enters the liver from the portal vein and hepatic artery, what structures for sit flow through before arriving in the hepatic veins?
Portal vein and hepatic artery > hepatic sinusoids > across hepatic lobule > central vein > interlobualr veins > hepatic veins
Within the functional unit, the hepatic acinus, what are the 3 zones?
Zone 1 – periportal region. The area that recievs the blood frm the portal vein and hepatic artery first
Zone 2 – midzonal region. Receives blood next
Zone 3 – centtilobular region. Recives the blood last before it drains into the central vein
What are the metabolic differences between the 3 zones of the hepatic acinus?
Zone 1 – periportal will receive blood with the highest oxygen and nutrient content
Zone 3 – centrilobualr will receive blood with lower oxygen and nutrient content. Hepatocytes in zone 3 also have higher levels of metabolic enzymes. These factors make this zone the most sensitive to injury by toxic compounds
Name 3 circulatory disorders affecting the liver.
- Congenital portosystemic shunts
- Post-hepatic conditions affecting outflow of blood from the liver
- Intra-hepatic or pre-hepatic conditions associated with abnormal portal vein inflow
How can portosystemic shunts be classified?
Whether the anomlous blood vessel is within the liver or not
How does an intra-hepatic portosystemic shunt form?
Large blood vessel connects the portal vein directly to the hepatic vein, which is a lower resistance path than through the lobule and smaller sinusoides, so a significant portion of blood flow is through this shunt and bypasses the functional part of the liver
How does an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt form?
Large blood vessel connect the portal vein/tributaries of the portal vein, bypassing the liver and through extra-hepatic anomalous vein to connect to the systemic circulation (caudal vena cava or hepatic vein).
Distinguish which breeds are affected by which type of portosystemic shunt.
Extrahepatic – small (wEe) dog breeds
Intra-hepatic – large (bIg) dog breeds
Distinguish intra and extrahepatic CPSS.
Intrahepatic CPSS – left or right portal vein branch to hepatic vein or directly with caudal vena cava
Extra-hepatic CPSS – left or right gastric vein or splenic vein to the caudal vena cava or azygous vein
What are the functional consequences of congenital portosystemic shunts?
- Reduced hepatic perfusion
- Small liver due to underperfusion – microhepatica
- Poor growth due to less liver and so less functional capacity
- Hepatic encephalopathy, as the liver is unable to detoxify waste products and these build up and affect the central nervous system
Will congenital portosystemic shunts result in increased blood pressure in the portal venous system – portal hypertension?
No – offer a lower resistance route
How does heart disease affect outflow from the liver?
Especially right sided CHF, which will increase pressure in the caudal vena cava which can be referred back through the hepatic vein to the liver and impair outflow of blood from the liver
How does hepatic vein/vena cava obstruction affect outflow from the liver?
Luminal obstruction (thrombus), vessle wall thickening (neoplasia, inflammation), external compression (by a mass, such as an abscess or tumour)
What are the consequences of impairment of post-hepatic outflow?
- Hepatic passive venous congestion – dilation of the sinusoids and central vein and becoming packed full of the blood, can extend to portal vein
- Hepatomegaly – blood pools and congest in the liver may make it appear larger so there is some degree of hepatomegaly
- Chronic passive congestion may develop an enhanced lobular or reticular pattern on the sectioned surface of the liver (nutmeg liver). Reddening due to congestion and the yellowish colour caused by accumulation of fat, create enhanced lobular pattern
Could post-hepatic conditions causing passive congestion of the liver cause an increased blood pressure in the portal venous system (portal hypertension)?
Name 3 intra-hepatic and pre-hepatic conditions associated with abnormal portal vein inflow.
- Advanced chronic liver disease with fibrosis
- Portal vein obstruction – thrombosis, inflammation, abscess, neoplasia
- Portal vein hypoplasia – portal vein is smaller than normal
Could intra-hepatic conditions, such as diffuse liver fibrosis or pre-hepatic conditions, such as portal vein hypoplasia, be a cause of portal hypertension?
What are the potential causes of portal hypertension?
- Post-hepatic conditions affecting outflow of blood from the liver
- Intra-hepatic or pre-hepatic conditions associated with abnormal portal vein inflow
What are the potential consequences of portal hypertension?
- Ascites
- Acquired portosystemic shunts – intra-hepatic and re-hepatic causes of portal hypertension (not by passive hepatic congestion, such as heart failure). Allow portal blood to flow directly to the systemic venous system bypassing the liver
What are the possible responses to hepatic injury?
- Hepatocellular vacuolation
- Necrosis
- Hepatocellular regeneration
- Inflammation
- End stage liver (cirrhosis)
- Hyperplastic and neoplastic changes
What are the possible hepatocellular vacuolar changes?
- Vacuoles may contain lipid (fatty change), water (hydropic change) and glycogen
- Potential gross changes – enlargement, altered colour change (pallor or yellow-brown), or altered consistency (greasy if lipid accumulation, increased fragility)
Why do cats’ livers appear more brown than dogs’ livers?
Cats can store more fat in their livers so can end up naturally appearing more brown than dogs
What are the 2 mechanisms of lipid accumulation in the liver?
There is excess delivery of free fatty acids to hepatocytes, causing negative energy balance and metabolic/endocrine disease
Reduced hepatocellular capacity to metabolise fats often due to hepatocellular injury – hypoxia, toxins, dietary deficiencies lipotropes for lipid metabolism
What are the causes of water accumulation/hydropic change in the liver?
Various toxins
Metabolic insults
What are the causes of glycogen accumulation?
Associated with hyperadrenocorticism or corticosteroid administration – ‘steroid induced hepatopathy’
What is a property of the liver on PME if there is significant fat present?
It can cause the liver to be bouyant in water
What does a focal/random pattern of necrosis suggest of the cause?
Scattered, randomonly distributed foci of necrosis. Typical of some infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, migrating parasites. May be of little functional significance to the liver
What is the appearance of focal/random necrosis?
Area of necrosis in hepatocytes and there is variable amounts of erythrocytes in necrosis. So typical gross appearance is one or more white/grey or reddish foci (if lots of blood associated with them).
What does a zonal pattern of necrosis suggest of the cause?
Zone 3/certrilobular/periacinar most commonly affected as it is more prone to hypoxia as it receives blood last and also the hepatocytes in zone 3 contain a lot of metabolic enzymes and so may activate toxins
What are some typical causes of zonal necrosis?
- Hypoxia/ischaemia
- Exposure to some toxins
- Some severe viral infections, such as canine adenovirus 1
Describe the appearance of zonal necrosis.
Multiple areas of necrosis, paler pink, surrounding central veins. In some areas, these join, known as bridging necrosis. This results in a gross pattern of mottled appearance, with colour intensity perhaps dictated by amount of haemorrhage. Microscopy needed to identify necrotic areas. Pattern sometimes called enhanced lobular pattern/enhanced reticular pattern.
What are the causes of massive necrosis?
- Severe toxic injury
- Vitamin E/selenium deficiency in pigs/hepatosis dietetica
Describe the appearance of massive necrosis.
Red appearance due to red blood cell snow filling the spaces left by the necrotic hepatocytes. There is a fine rim of surviving hepatocytes along the edge of the lobules but most have died and been replaced with blood
You submit a liver biopsy in formalin for histopathology. The pathology report report indicates a vacuolar hepatopathy. What type of material could be present in the vacuoles?
Lipid, water or glycogen – intracellular accumulation of lipid, water or glycogen can all create cytoplasmic vacuolation. Sometimes some features of the vacuolated hepatocytes may allow the pathologist to suggest the most likely material.
A 6 month old frenhc bulldog has severe jaundice and rasied liver enzymes. Severe centrilobular necrosis is rpeorted on a liver biopsy submitted for histopathology. Of the aetiologies, which should you include as the potential cause of the hepatic necrosis?
Recent hepatotoxin ingestion and severe hypoxia
What are the vague clinical signs of liver disease?
Weight loss
What are the specific clinical signs of liver disease?
- Jaundice/icterus) - hyperbilirubinaemia – normal is 10-1 umol/L, 10-35umol/L high but not appear yellow, so significantly high to appear yellow
- Ascites
- Hepatic encephalopathy
- Coagulopathy
Summarise the cycle of bilirubin.
Bilirubin from senescent RBC, macrophages break down these in liver, spleen and bone marrow. Bilirubin bound to albumin and uptaken into liver cells. Stored in gall bladder and excreted when gall bladder contracts and is released when eating
Distinguish pre-hepatic, hepatic and post-hepatic jaundice.
- Pre-hepatic for a process prior to the liver, such as increased breakdown of RBC, so patients would be anaemic
- Hepatic would be inherent liver disease, as we can’t convert these
- Post hepatic is something wrong with the pancreas or gall bladder
Why do effusions in liver disease occur?
From either increased hydrostatic pressure or low albumin
What is hepatic encephalopathy?
Toxins that accumulate in bloodstream such as ammonia due to liver disease affects rain function. With extreme hepatic dysfunction or portosystemic shunting
What are the clinical signs of hepatic encephalopathy?
More vague forebrain signs seizures
Comas or death in more severe cases
High ammonia in the blood or other evidence of liver disease
What is the hepatic link to coagulopathy?
Liver dysfunction may mean not enough clotting factors
What is hepatocutaneous syndrome?
Hyperkeratotic footpads, skin biopsy specific diagnostic. Ultrasound looks like Swiss cheese
Describe the severity-time graph for differentials of liver disease.
- Vascular, trauma, toxin = 2-6 hours
- Inflammatory (infectious/sterile) = acute over hours to a few days – main challenge is owners not noticing clinical signs in first stages so appears more acute than actually is
- Metabolic quiet insidious, but progressively worsen with wax and wane, more chronic in terms of months, owners may not notice
- Neoplastic often chronic, can be acute, as insidious part at the beginning is progressive,
- Degenerative months to years, vague clinical signs reported over months and years
What is done next after a differential list for liver disease is made?
Use hepatic enzyme elevations to determine whether predominantly hepatocellular or cholestatic
Which are the hepatocellular enzymes in dogs and cats?
ALT and AST in cats and dogs (and/or GGT)
Which are the cholestatic enzymes in dogs and cats?
ALP and/or GGT (> ALT and/or AST) with/without other features of cholestasis – hypercholesterolaemia with/without hyperbilirubinaemia with/without overt jaundice
How do liver enzymes differ between cats and dogs?
Be aware of limitations, especially in cats, as short half-life. Dog half life is 3-4 days and cats is 4-6 hours, so can miss window of opportunity for cats – may have normal blood ranges on cats with liver disease.
What are some acute toxic causes of hepatobiliary disease with hepatocellular patterns?
- Drugs – antimicrobials like TMPS and doxycycline, immunosuppressants like azathioprine, anti-thyroidals like methimazole
- Toxins like blue-green algae, aflatoxins
- Amantia species (mushrooms)
- Xylitol
What are some chronic toxic causes of hepatobiliary disease with hepatocellular patterns?
Chronic, low-level exposure, such as phenobarbitone (seizure medication, can give accumulative toxic injury if wrong dose over time)
What are some acute traumatic causes of hepatobiliary disease with hepatocellular patterns?
Blunt trauma – hepatic contusions
What are some acute inflammatory causes of hepatobiliary disease with hepatocellular patterns?
Infections – neutrophilic cholangitis (cats)/cholangiohepatitis (dogs), leptospirosis (dogs), CAV-1 in unvaccinated dogs
What are some chronic inflammatory causes of hepatobiliary disease with hepatocellular patterns?
Sterile – lymphocytic cholangitis (cats), chronic hepatitis (dogs)
What are some metabolic and neoplastic causes of hepatobiliary disease with hepatocellular patterns?
Metabolic - reactive hepatopathies
Neoplastic - hepatocellular adeno/carcinoma, lymphoma – metastasise to liver
What are some acute toxic causes of hepatobiliary disease with cholestatic patterns?
Drugs/toxins – some can cause an idiosyncratic cholestatic pattern
What are some chronic toxic causes of hepatobiliary disease with cholestatic patterns?
Chronic, low-level exposure, such as phenobarbitone
What are some acute traumatic causes of hepatobiliary disease with cholestatic patterns?
Biliary rupture – typically secondary to underlying disease, such as trauma
What are some acute inflammatory causes of hepatobiliary disease with cholestatic patterns?
- Infections – neutrophilic cholangitis (cats)/cholangiohepatitis (dogs, cholecystitis, FIP (cats), toxoplasma
- Sterile – acute pancreatitis, not hepatobiliary but critical differential
What are some chronic inflammatory causes of hepatobiliary disease with cholestatic patterns?
Sterile – lymphocytic cholangitis (cats), chronic hepatitis (dogs), chronic pancreatitis
What are some acute metabolic causes of hepatobiliary disease with cholestatic patterns?
Hepatic lipidosis, gall bladder mucocele, obstructive choleliths
What are some chronic metabolic causes of hepatobiliary disease with cholestatic patterns?
Vacuolar hepatopathies, including steroid/metabolic, gall bladder mucocele
What are some neoplastic causes of hepatobiliary disease with cholestatic patterns?
Hepatocellular adeno/carcinoma – sometimes just cause isolated ALP elevation, primarily biliary neoplasia
What are the other possible origins of ALP not specific to liver disease?
As well as cholestatic, there are steroid (dogs) and bone isoenzymes, so in growing cats and dogs. Commonly induced by some drugs (steroid in dogs, phenobarbitone)
What are the other possible origins of GGT not specific to liver disease?
Cholestatic and steroid induction in dogs, can be induced by some drugs (steroid in dogs, phenobarbitone)
What are the other possible origins of AST not specific to liver disease?
Found in muscle, concurrent creatine kinase will help evaluate for myopathy
What are the other possible origins of ALT not specific to liver disease?
Found in muscle – needs to be very severe myopathy to increase ALT
What are some possible conditions causing secondary liver disease?
- Liver as an immune organ – any systemic inflammatory disease
- Drugs causing enzyme induction (glucocorticoids, phenobarbitone)
- Metabolic diseases causing vacuolar hepatic change (hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus) or a toxic hepatopathy (hyperthyroidism)
- Hepatic hypoxaemia, anaemia, hypovolaemia, heart failure
What may magnitude of enzyme elevation indicate about liver disease?
- May be low with end stage liver disease or in cats
- Often low-moderate with secondary/reactive – can be markedly increased with steroid induction
- Can be anything (low-high) with primary liver disease
- May fluctuate – re-assess if not sure of significance and animal clinically well
What is the evidence of multisystemic disease with liver disease?
- Renal – leptospirosis, toxins
- Lymphadenomegaly, multiple organs – lymphoma
- Ocular – canine adenovirus 1 (CAV-1)
What does structural hepatic disease suggest on ultrasound?
Structural hepatic disease indicates hepatic pathology is present, regardless of enzyme elevations (such as nodular regeneration)
Is the size of the gall bladder on ultrasound significant?
Size of gall bladder never significant, only when ducts are dilated indicates back pressure and obstruction
What is sludge on the gall bladder?
Normal in dogs and much less normal in cats. Majority of cats with sludge probably have biliary disease. Biliary mucocele looks like kiwi in cross section (border terriers prone to), mucus overproduction in wall of gall bladder and produces very solid gall bladder, can get bigger over time and cause pressure necrosis and may rupture.
What is the problem with colour ultrasound imaging the bile ducts?
Vessels are coloured, bile ducts are non-coloured. Previous obstruction – bile ducts may never go back to normal, so may not be an active problem
Why are cats with liver disease hard to diagnose?
- Every cat with hyperthyroidism has increased liver enzymes
- Short enzyme half-lives
- Commonly have non-specific signs
- Commonly have multiple comorbidities
- Older cats, elevated hepatic enzymes, normal function
What are the functions of the liver?
- Protein metabolism
- Carbohydrate metabolism – synthesis, storage and release of glucose
- Lipid metabolism
- Excretion of bile – no gall bladder so continuous flow
- Detoxification – biotransformation of endogenous and exogenous compounds
- Mononuclear – phagocyte system
- Miscellaneous – storage of vitamins
How does the liver do protein metabolism?
- Protein synthesis, including factors involved in coagulation
- Gluconeogenesis from amino acids
- Eliminating ammonia the major toxic byproduct of amino acid catabolism
When are hepatic functions impaired in horses?
Most hepatic functions not impaired until greater than 80% of the hepatic mass is lost
What are the common clinical signs of hepatic insufficiency in horses?
Hepatic encephalopathy
Weight loss
What are the less common clinical signs of hepatic insufficiency in horses?
Bilateral laryngeal paralysis
Dependent oedema
What is stage 1 hepatic encephalopathy in horses?
Probably missed in most equine patients. Subtle impairment of intellect
What is stage 2 hepatic encephalopathy in horses?
Motor function, intellectual ability and consciousness impaired:
Head pressing
Aimless walking
What is stage 3 hepatic encephalopathy in horses?
Periods of stupor
What is the cause of hepatic encephalopathy in horses?
Insufficient hepatocellular function, irrespective of the cause of the liver disease