Little Hans (1909) Flashcards
Oedipus complex
-Phallic stage (3-6)
-Lust for mother
-Castration anxiety
-Identification with father
Aim of little Hans
Opportunity for Freud to develop his theory of infantile sexuality and the oedipus complex. Was tested on adults originally. Wanted to investigate his explanation of genesis of phobias.
Sample of Little Hans
Hans, who was 3 years old, from Vienna, Austria. Freud received reports of him from Hans’ father. Freud urged friends to collect data of sexual life of children.
Method of Little Hans
Longitudinal, case study. Observation were conducted by Hans’ father from weekly reports that were send to Freud via letter. Freud would write back interpreting little Hans’ dreams and fantasies.
Dreams and fantasies of Little Hans
-Plumber 1+2
-Horse phobia
- Defcation
What was little Hans’ ‘Widdler’ fantasy ?
Hans was found playing with his penis. “If you do that, I shall send for Dr A to cut off your widdler.” This was Hans’ initial conflict and fear of castration is said to have stemmed from this.
What did Little Hans try to do after ‘widdler’ fantasy ?
At 4 years old, he tried to seduce his mother (Freud thought). After his bath, mother was powdering his penis when he said, “Put your finger there “ - “Its not proper”- “But great fun” replied Hans.
What was the second incident, where Hans tried to seduce his mother ?
“Do you know what Aunt M said, ‘He has a dear thingummy’ “
When did little Hans first show fear of horses ?
Developed fear of being bitten by horse and was afraid to go into street. “Don’t put your finger to the white horses mouth, or he will bite you”- Castration anxiety.
What was the giraffe fantasy ?
“In night, there was a big giraffe and a –crumpled one. The big one called out because i took the crumpled one away from it and sat on the crumpled one.”
What was Little Hans horse phobia ?
Freud learned that Hans was disturbed by what horses wear in front of their eyes and the back around their mouth.
-Blinkers like dads glasses.
-Muzzle like das moustache.
What was little Hans’ also afraid of ?
Afraid of carts, furniture and buses as he feared they would fall over. He saw horse and cart fall down and the horse kicked out his feet.
What did Freud said the horses falling over would mean ?
Wished father would fall down the same.
What was Little Hans defecation fascination?
Hans become preoccupied with faeces as he witnessed mum ‘widdling and lumfing’ and he had constipation in development.
What what Little Hans’ defecation fantasy ?
Fear of defecation from heavily loaded cart. “Where do babies come from?” Lumf was birth of baby and children were lumf.
What did Hans call children ?
Hans called children ‘Lodi’. Scaffolodi was a sausage that looked like lumf Hans stated.
What was the first plumber fantasy ?
“I was in the bath and plumber came and unscrewed it. Then took a big borer and stuck into stomach. I was afraid that mother would let me go and head would go under water.”
What did Hans wish his mother would do to his sister ?
Wished his mum would drop sister in bath. Hans fear of the bath was punished for death wish of sister. Freud interpreted this as Hans arising desire for mother.
What did Hans father observe Hans playing with imaginary children ?
Hans anxiety had disappeared. Hans was playing with imaginary children, where he was father, mum was mum and dad with grandad. Instead of removing dad, he moved him to grandad.
What was the second plumber fantasy ?
“Took away my behind with pincers and gave another, and same with my widdler.”
“Bigger widdler and behind ?” -Father
“Yes”. “Like daddy because you’d be like daddy. “
“Yes and a moustache like yours”
What did Freud interpret the second plumber fantasy as ?
Hans resolved horse phobia and overcame castration complex. Happy outcome as exchange for bigger version.
How does Freud link to Individual differences approach ?
Focusses on explaining a way in which people may differ through phobias etc.
How does Freud link to psychodynamic perspective ?
Psychodynamic because of the way in which Freud theory of psychosexual development is drawn upon Hans’ fantasies and phobias.