Lip Muscles Flashcards
Obicularis Oris Origin/Insertion (Intrinsic)
Forms a ring of muscle from within the upper and lower lips
Obicularis Oris Use
Close mouth, purse lips
Buccinator Origin
Alveolar process of the maxilla, and the mandible near the last molars
Buccinator Insertion
Upper and lower lips near the corner of the mouth
Buccinator Use
Pull the mouth corner backward and toward the side and can force the lip and cheek against the teeth
Risorius Origin
Fascia of the masseter muscle
Risorius Insertion
Corner of mouth and lower lip
Risorius Use
Draws the corner of the mouth backward and toward the side
Levator Labii Superiosis Origin
Below the orbit of the eye, the front of the maxillary bone, and the zygomatic bone
Levator Labii Superiosis Insertion
Upper Lip
Levator Labii Superiosis Use
Elevates the upper lip
Levator Labii Superiosis Alaeque Nasi Origin
Front of the maxilla
Levator Labii Superiosis Alaeque Nasi Insertion
Lip segment inserts in the upper lip
Levator Labii Superiosis Alaeque Nasi Use
Lip segment elevates the upper lip (nasal segment dilates the anterior naris)
Zygomatic Major Origin
Side of the zygomatic bone
Zygomatic Major Insertion
Corner of the mouth
Zygomatic Major Use
Pulls backward on the corner of the mouth and lifts it upward and toward the side
Zygomatic Minor Origin
Inner surface of the zygomatic bone
Zygomatic Minor Insertion
Upper Lip
Zygomatic minor Use
Elevates the upper lip and pulls the corner of the mouth upward
Depressor Labii Inferiosis Origin
Front surface of the mandible
Depressor Labii Inferiosis Insertion
Lower lip from near the midline to the corner of the mouth
Depressor Labii Inferiosis Insertion
Lower lip from near the midline to the corner of the mouth
Depressor Labii Inferiosis Insertion
Lower lip from near the midline to the corner of the mouth
Depressor Labii Inferiosis Insertion
Lower lip from near the midline to the corner of the mouth
Depressor Labii Inferiosis Use
Pulls the lower lip downward and toward the side and may also cause the lower lip to turn outward
Mentalis Origin
Front and side of the mandible near the midline
Mentalis Insertion
Obicularis oris muscle and skin overlying the chin
Mentalis Use
Pulls chin tissue upward, forces lower part of lower lip against the alveolar process of the mandible, and curls the lower lip outward
“Pouting Muscle”
Levator Anguli Oris Origin
Front of the maxilla
Levator Anguli Oris Insertion
Both the upper and lower lips near the corner of the mouth
Levator Anguli Oris Use
Draws the corner of the mouth upward and toward the side and may raise the lower lip against the upper lip
Depressor Anguli Oris Origin
Outer surface of the mandible
Depressor Anguli Oris Insertion
On the obicularis oris muscle at the corner of the mouth and into the upper lip
Depressor Anguli Oris Use
Pulls the corner of the mouth downward and draws the upper lip downward toward the lower lip
Incisivus Labii Superiosis Origin
Maxilla near the canine tooth
Incisivus Labii Superiosis Insertion
Corner of the mouth
Incisivus Labii Superiosis Use
Pulls the corner of the mouth upward and toward the midline
Incisivus Labii Inferiosis Origin
Mandible near the lateral incisor tooth
Incisivus Labii Inferiosis Insertion
Corner of the mouth
Incisivus Labii Inferiosis Use
Pulls downward and inward on the corner of the mouth
Platysma Origin
A sheet of connective tissue within the neck and above the clavicle (and may extend from farther below)
Platysma Insertion
Lower edge of the mandible and some fibers blend with muscles of the lower lip and corner of the mouth