lines 112-121 Flashcards
nec veni, nisi fata locum sedemque dedissent, nec bellum cum gente gero; rex nostra reliquit hospitia et Turni potius se credidit armis.
And I would not have come, if fate had not granted a place and a home, nor do I wage war with your people; the king has left our fellowship and he entrusted himself instead to the arms of Turnus.
aequius huic Turnum fuerat se opponere morti.
It would have been fairer for Turnus to expose himself to this death.
si bellum finire manu, si pellere Teucros apparat, his mecum decuit concurrere telis:
If he plans to finish the war with his hand, if he plans to expel the Trojans, it was his duty to fight me with these weapons:
vixet cui vitam deus aut sua dextra dedisset.
He would have lived to whom god or his right hand had given life.
nunc ite et miseris supponite civibus ignem.’ dixerat Aeneas.
Go now and kindle a fire under your wretched citizens.’ Aeneas had spoken.
illi obstipuere silentes conversique oculos inter se atque ora tenebant.
In silence they were amazed and having turned their eyes towards each other and they held their mouths.