lines 100 - 111 Flashcards
Iamque oratores aderant ex urbe Latina velati ramis oleae veniamque rogantes:
Already ambassadors came from the latin city veiled with branches of olive and asking permission
corpora, per campos ferro quae fusa iacebant, redderet ac tumulo sineret succedere terrae;
that he should return the bodies which, stricken by the sword, were lying on the plains and to allow them to be buried in a mound of earth
nullum cum victis certamen et aethere cassis; parceret hospitibus quondam socerisque vocatis.
they said that there was no quarrel with the conquered and with those deprived of air, that he should spare those once called hosts and fathers-in-law.
quos bonus Aeneas haud aspernanda precantis prosequitur venia et verbis haec insuper addit:
Good Aeneas presents those seeking things-that-must-not-be-spurned with permission and moreover he adds this in words:
‘quaenam vos tanto fortuna indigna, Latini, implicuit bello, qui nos fugiatis amicos? pacem me exanimis et Martis sorte peremptis oratis?
What cruel fortune, Latins, implicated you in such a war that you shun us as friends? Do you ask me for peace for the dead and for those betrayed by the lot of Mars?
equidem et vivis concedere vellem.
I for my part would have wished to grant peace also to the living.