Limitations Flashcards
What is the minimum required crew?
Pilot and Copilot
What kinds of operations are permitted?
VFR, IFR, Icing conditions
What is the maximum number of occupants?
EMB-135: 42
EMB-140: 49
EMB-145: 55
Maximum ramp weight (EMB-145LR)
48,722 lb
Maximum takeoff weight (EMB-145LR)
48,501 lb
Maximum Landing Weight (EMB-145LR)
42,549 lb
Maximum Zero Fuel weight (EMB-145LR)
39,462 lb
Maximum takeoff weight is the lowest of the following weights:
Max structural takeoff weight
Climb limited
Field length limited
Brake energy limited
Obstacle clearance
Max Landing weight is the lowest of the following weights:
Max structural landing weight
Climb limited
Field length limited
How must the airplane be loaded?
In accordance with the weight and balance manual
Minimum altitude for takeoff/landing?
-1000 ft
Maximum altitude for takeoff/landing?
8,000 ft
Minimum temperature for takeoff/landing
-40 C
Maximum temperature for takeoff/landing
52 C
Maximum operating temperature
ISA +35 C
Minimum temperature below 25,000 feet
-54 C
Minimum temperature at 37,000 feet
-65 C
Maximum temperature at 37,000 feet
-21.5 C
Minimum TAT in cruise above 25,000 feet
-45 C
Momentary deviations to -50 C does not require a maintenance inspection
What must be accomplished if a landing below -40 C occurs?
Hard landing inspection
Maximum speed for gear retraction
200 KIAS
Maximum speed for gear extension
250 KIAS
Maximum speed with gear extended and locked
250 KIAS
Maximum operating airspeed
Below 8,000 feet: 250 KIAS
Above 10,000 feet: 320 KIAS
Maximum operating Mach speed
0.78 M
Maximum operating altitude
37,000 feet
Maneuvering speed
200 KIAS
What must be avoided at speeds above maneuvering speed?
Maneuvers that involve high angle of attack, full rudder, elevator, or yaw application
What maneuvers must be avoided at all airspeeds?
Rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially combined with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw
How must the electromechanical gust lock be checked?
Each time the gust lock is unlocked:
- 10 seconds after moving it to
the unlocked position
- Full up, Full down, Full up
Maximum speed flaps 9
250 KIAS
Maximum speed flaps 18
200 KIAS
Maximum speed flaps 22
200 KIAS
Maximum speed flaps 45
145 KIAS
When must the yaw damper be engaged?
- Flaps 22, above 10,000 feet, above 180 KIAS
- Flaps 45, above 10,000 feet, above 145 KIAS
Maximum flap extended altitude
20,000 feet
Maximum airspeed after takeoff/during climb without retrimming
160 KIAS
Maximum tailwind for takeoff and landing
10 kt
Maximum recommended speed to remove direct vision windows
140 KIAS
Maximum altitude for unpressurized flight
10,000 feet - unless following a depressurization with higher MEA
Maximum recommended crosswind
Dry runway 30 kt
Wet runway 30 kt
Compact snow 25 kt
Standing water, slush
Loose snow 20 kt
Ice, no melting 10 kt
Load factor limits with flaps 0
-1.00 g to + 2.50 g
Load factor limits with flaps down (any setting)
0 g to + 2.00 g
Runway slope limitations
-2% to +2%
Runway surface type
Paved only
Can the terrain awareness display be used for navigation?
When should the terrain override button be pressed?
Within 15 NM of takeoff, approach, or landing at an airport with any of the following:
-Airport has no instrument
approach procedure
-Airport not in the database
-Longest runway is shorter than
3,500 feet
Maximum load on a main generator
400 Amp
Maximum load on APU generator
Up to 30,000 feet: 400A
Above 30,000 feet: 300A
Maximum battery temperature
70 C
When pressure Refueling, how much is usable fuel reduced?
13.2 US gal per tank
Usable fuel in wing tanks (EMB-145LR)
5,717 lb per tank
11,434 lb total
Maximum fuel imbalance
800 lb
Unusable fuel in wing tanks
39 lb per tank
78 lb total
Unusable fuel in wing tanks if any electric fuel pump is inoperative
365 lb per tank
730 lb total
Allowed fuel types
Jet A
Jet A-1
Minimum fuel tank temperature
-40 C
Maximum fuel tank temperature
52 C
Minimum temperature of fuel leaving FCOC without an icing inhibitor
5 C
Maximum altitude for APU start
30,000 feet
Maximum altitude for APU operation
37,000 feet
Maximum APU rotor speed
108% (APU will shut down at 104%)
Maximum EGT for APU start
884 C
Maximum EGT for APU continuous
680 C - May be exceeded up to 717 for 5 minutes
Minimum battery temperature for APU start
-20 C
APU starter limits
Cooling period between 3 consecutive attempts: 1 minute off
Cooling period between two series of 3 attempts: 30 minutes off
What limitation must the four installed engine FADECs comply with
All four must be the same part number
Maximum N1
Maximum N2
Maximum ITT for start
800 C
Maximum ITT for takeoff
948 C - limited to 5 minutes
Maximum Continuous ITT
901 C
Maximum oil pressure
95 psi (or 110 psi) - may be exceeded during engine starts if oil temperature is below 21 C
Minimum oil pressure
Below 88% N2 34 psi
Above 88% N2 50 psi
Operation between 34 - 50 psi is allowed during takeoff and go-around
Maximum oil temperature
126 C
Minimum oil temperature
Minimum oil temperature
21 C
Minimum oil temperature for starting is -40 C or -53 depending on oil type
Maximum vibration
Low pressure spool 1.8 IPS
High pressure spool 1.1 IPS
Both spools may be in the amber range up to 2.5 IPS for 5 minutes during takeoff or go-around, or 10 seconds during any other phase of flight
Starter limits on ground
1st-4th cycles - 1 min on, 1 min off
Following cycles - 1 min on, 5 min off
Starter limits in flight
Maximum continuous operation time: 5 minutes on, no cool down time required
ATTCS must be operative for takeoff in which modes?
When is a thrust assurance check required?
Once per week for FADEC versions prior to B8.0, unless aircraft particles in engine condition monitoring
Thrust reverser limitations
Do not attempt go-around after deployment of thrust reversers on landing
Do not open thrust reversers in flight
Engine warm up time
4 minutes for cold engine
2 minutes for warm engine
Engine is considered cold if it has been shutdown for more than 90 minutes
Minimum oil temperature to increase thrust above 83% N2
40 C or run engine for 8 minutes
Engine cool down time before shutdown
1 minute at idle or taxi thrust
Performance limitation for FADEC software B5.1.1
Decrease approach climb gradient by 1.1%
Decrease approach climb limited weight by 1,920 lb
Maximum differential pressure
7.8 psi
Maximum differential over pressure
8.1 psi
Maximum differential negative pressure
-0.3 psi
Maximum temperature for manual anti-icing operation
10 C
Minimum temperature for manual anti-icing operation
-40 C
Maximum altitude for single engine or single bleed in icing conditions
15,000 feet
Holding configuration in icing conditions
Landing gear up
Flaps 0
Minimum airspeed 200 KIAS
Definition of icing conditions
10 C or below and visible moisture. Use SAT on the ground, TAT in flight
When should a tactical icing check be performed?
Holdover time exceeded
OAT less than 6 C, fuel tank temp less than 0 C, and any of the following conditions are present:
-Visible moisture or water on wing
-Difference between dew point and OAT is 3 C or less
-Conditions conducive to frost formation
Which bleeds must be used for anti-ice operation?
Engine bleeds
Maximum speed for windshield wiper operation
170 KIAS
Where can the ozone limitation charts be found?
In the limitations section of the AOM or AFM
AHRS-900 Alignment limitations
Aircraft must not be moved until attitude and heading information on PFD is valid
What must be done when crossing the outer marker on an ILS?
Verify altitude with value on published procedure
How low may an approach be flown with only a single operation glideslope receiver?
Localizer-only MDA
What must both pilots monitor in order to fly an ILS approach to DA?
Both pilots must tune indepent glideslope receivers and monitor using independent displays
Maximum duration of ISIS when operating on batteries
40 minutes
When should weather radar not be used?
During refueling, near fuel spills, or near people
What limitations apply to HF radio?
Do not transmit on HF during refueling, Do not rely on ADF indications while transmitting on HF
Minimum autopilot engagement height after takeoff
500 feet
Minimum altitude to fly a coupled approach (CAT 1)
200 feet
Minimum altitude coupled to autopilot on non-precision approach
What limitations apply to a single engine go-around?
Single engine go-around with autopilot engaged is prohibited
When may approach mode be selected for localizer capture?
When airplane is inbound
What type of approach required the use of the flight director?
GPS approaches
Which approaches can FMS not be used for guidance?
How must the FMS be transitioned to the missed approach segment?
Press the go-around buttons. Using the CDU mode select button is prohibited
When must RAIM be checked?
Prior to dispatch when a GPS approach is the intended approach
RNP limitations
Not approved: RNP less than 0.3
RNP 1 to less than 2 : Flight director required
.3 to less than 1: Flight director and GPS required
Cockpit security door limitations
Two crewmembers must be in cockpit at all times
What equipment is required to fly in RVSM airspace?
Two primary altitude indicators
Altitude Alerter