Limbs Anatomy Flashcards
Posterior triangle of neck contains which part of brachial plexus?
Axilla contains which part of the brachial plexus?
Cords and branches
Suprascapular and transverse cervical artery are branches of what?
Thyrocervical trunk
Enlarged left subclavicular lymph nodes - diagnosis?
Gastric cancer
Muscle initiate shoulder abduction
Radial head articulates with
Radial head is enclosed in
Annular ligament
Pt can’t flex Distal Phalanx, which tendon injured?
Adductor pollicus muscle is supplied by
Ulnar nerve
Abductor polices Brevis of hand Is supplied by which nerve?
Median nerve
Pt’s hand on table can’t lift thumb to ceiling, which muscle injured?
Abductor pollicis brevis
Pt injured in the wrist on medial side. During Froment’s test, pt does abnormal pinching by flexing his thumb. Which muscle injured?
Adductor pollicus
Thenar Muscle supplied by
Median nerve (except for adductor pollicus)
Hypothenar Muscle supplied by
Ulnar nerve
In carpal tunnel release what muscle encountered superficial to it?
Palmaris longus
Scaphoid gets blood supply from
Radial artery at distal end
Proximal part of scaphoid fractures likely to have avascular necrosis
Relation of the ulnar n. to the ulnar a
Nerve is lateral to artery
Relation of the Median n. to the brachiaI a
Lateral, anterior, then medial
After axillary clearance, when she pick up a knife, her wrist flexes
Posterior cord injury
Axillary n. injury, the deltoid ms is affected, 2nd ms affected
Teres minor
Wrist Injury + Thenar imminence atrophy
Median nerve injury
Nerve specific for opposition
Recurrent branch of median nerve
Loss of thumb adduction
Deep ulnar nerve
Muscle extending the thumb
Extensor policis longus and brevis
Muscle abducting the thumb over palm
Abductor poliicus brevis
Loss of the little and ring finger movements, which nerve?
Ulnar nerve
Loss of interossei of the 4th finger, which nerve?
Ulnar nerve
Mid shaft humeral fracture/spiral groove fracture, which nerve at risk?
Radial nerve
Loss of sensation over the medial part of the hand, which nerve
Ulnar nerve
Patient cannot lift his hand from the table and cannot extend the DIP of the thumb
Radial nerve/posterior interosseus nerve
Loss of pincer movement of the thumb and the index when writing, sensation normal
Anterior interosseous nerve
Structures in the delto-pectoral groove you will meet during dissesction
Cephalic v.
Thoracoacromial a
Lateral pectoral n.
In clavical middle 1/3 # most likely to be injured
Subclavian vein
Origin of supraspintus, infraspinatus and teres minor
Dorsal aspect of scapula
Muscle with origin from ventral aspect of scapula
Bicep attachment to humerus
Short head: supraglenoid tubercle
Long head: coracoid process.
Tricep attachment to humerus
lnfragelonid tubercle
Anatomical snuffbox bounderies
Post or Ulnar or Medial: Extensor pollicis longus
Ant or Radial or Lateral: Abductor pollicis longus + Extensor polllcls brevls.
Relation of Extensor indicis to the Extensor digitorum is
Deep and Ulnar.
Pt has complete loss of elbow extension after having deep wound on the back of arm
Ruptured triceps tendon
Pt fell out on stretched hand, carpal bone pain
Lunate dislocation.
Injury to hamate/pisiform will affect
Ulnar side flexor digiturom profundus
Complete loss of elbow extension and wrist extension after lacerated wound 6 cm above elbow, which nerve?
Raidal nerve
Supracondyler fracture with absent pulse
BrachiaI Artery Injury
Injury to upper limb with mild claw hand
Ulnar nerve at elbow
Injury to upper limb with marked claw
Ulnar nerve at wrist
Subclavian Steal syndrome is due to
Obstruction in subclacian A
Diagnosied on Dupplex.
Numbness on the lat. aspect of the forearm, which ms will be affected as well
Biceps brachii
(Musculocutaneous nerve)
While the palm is on the table, the patient is unable to take his thumb from the table
Extensor polllcis longus & brevis tendon.
The hand is on the table, and he is unable to bring the thumb to 90 degrees
Abductor pollicis brevis ms tendon
Cephalic vein course to arm
Runs In lateral side & joins axillary vein later
Basilic vien course
Runs in medial side & continue as axillary vein
Joins with median cubital vein at elbow
Quadrangular space contents
Axillary Nerve and posterior circumflex vessels.
Tringular space contents
Radial nerve
Prounda brachii artery
Circumflex scapular Artery
Contents of cubital fossa from medial to lateral
Median nerve
Brachial artery
Bicep tendon
Dupytren’s contrcture is due to
Contraction of palmar aponeurosis
What is the axillary artery divided by?
Pec minor
Branches of Axillary A
1st: Superior thoracic A
2nd: Thoracoacromial A & Lat thoracic A
3rd: Subscapular A and 2 cicufmlex humeral As.
Pt has cholycystitis and came with pain in shoulder tip. What is the cause?
Subphrenic abcess
Phrenic nerve, C4 gives sensory to shoulder
Pt injured his neck in football or accident come with waiter’s tip deformity
Upper trunk (C5,6)
Pt has claw hand and horner’s syndrome and paresthesia in med 3.5 fingers
Lower trunk (C8,T1)
Brachial plexuses medial cord main terminal branch
Ulnar nerve
Brachial plexus posterior cord main terminal branch
Axillary nerve
Pt can’t extend elbow has wrist and finger drop. N involved
Radial injury at axilla
(Saturday night palsy)
Pt has finger drop only can’t extend fingers or thumb no sensory deficit. N involved
PIN branch of Radial Nerve
Pt has numbness on lateral forearm. N involved
Musculocutaenous nerve
Pt can’t do OK sign can’t flex thumb and index, sensation intact. N involved
AIN of median nerve
What is brachioradialis supplied by?
Radial nerve
Foot Cuboid bone distal articulation
4th and 5th metatarsals
Foot cuneiforms bone distal articulation
1st 2nd 3rd metatarsals
Structure passes in lesser sciatic foramen
Obturator N./Tendon
PudendaI N/vessels
Greater sciatic foramen transmits nerve supply to
Tensor fascialata, Gluteus Muscle, Hamstrings and Perianal Ms.
M inserted in greater trochanter of femor
Gluteus medius and minimus
M inserted in lesser trochanteric of femor
Psoas major
Borders of the femoral ring
Anterior: Inguinal ligament
Posterior: Pectineus
Medial: Lacunar ligament
Lateral: Femoral vein
Pt has hernia below and lateral to pubic tubercle
Femoral hernia
Emergency due to risk of strangulation
Popliteal fossa: Most superficial
Tibial nerve
Popliteal fossa: Most deep
Popliteal artery
Popliteal fossa: Most lateral
Common peroneal nerve
During hip arthroplasty, the surgeon noticed an artery is running on the superior border of pectineus
Inferior gluteal artery
Adductor/hunter canal borders
Roof: Sartorius
Floor: Adductus magnus M
Lat walls: Vastus medialis
Nerve supply to the adductors of the hip and is stimulated during TURP
Obturator nerve
Structures passing below behind the piriformis in the greater sciatic notch
Sciatic nerve
N. injury causing waddling (trendlenberg) gait
Superior gluteal nerve
During an ovarian mass removal, or pelvic surgery, Inner thigh numbness
Obturator nerve injury
N. injury during post hip approach
Sciatic nerve
N.injury during distal femoral approach (or# in neck of Fibula)
Common peroneal nerve
Injury in lower end of fibula
Pott’s fracture
Nerve emerges at the lower border of the psoas major ms. causing numbness over the thigh
Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
Patient has foot drop. N. involved.
Sciatic or Common peroneal or Deep peroneal n.
Loss of sensation over the 1st web space
Deep peroneal nerve
Loss of sensation over the medial leg
Saphenous nerve
During the medial ankle approach, which n. will be affected
Saphenous nerve
Surgery to the short saphenous vein, which n will be affected
Sural nerve
Knee scope then sensory loss just below the knee on the medial aspect
Infra-patellar branch
Anterior compartment syndrome of the leg, the pain is present with planter flexion of the big toe, associated numbness will be in?
1st web space
Sensory for DPN
Patient injured fibular bone#, loss of eversion movement of ankle
Superficial peroneal nerve
Patient has pain with planter flexion after tibial fracture. Dx
Anterior compartment syndrome
Tendon posterior to lateral malleous prone to injury
Peroneus Brevis
Nerve supplies to the thigh
Medial: Obturator nerve
Anterior: Lateral cutaneous nerve of femoral nerve
Posterior: Sciatic nerve
Nerve supply of legs
Anterior extensors: Deep Peroneal N
Lateral compartment: Superficial Peroneal
Posterior flexors: Tibial N
Superficial peroneal N supplies
Lateral Compartment (peroneus longus M & peroneus Brevis M) and lateral & dorsum of foot except 1st web space.
Deep Peroneal N supplies
Anterior compartment + First dorsal web space
The only sensory nerve of leg that is not part of sciatic
Saphenous N from Femoral nerve
Pt had injury and is unable to extend his knees. Ms affected
Quadricep femoris M
Commonest site of peripheral aneurysm
Popliteal artery
Lymph Drainage of fascia-lata
To Deep inguinal nodes
Course of posterior Tibial A
Midway btw Medial mallous and tendocalceneous
Course of anterior Tibial A
It continues as dorsalis pedis lateral to extensor hallucis longus tendon.
Pt twisted his ankle on inversion most likely ligament injured
Anterior talofibular lig. and Calceneofibular lig.
Pt had accident leg shortened, adducted & internally rotated. Dx
Posterior hip dislocation (sciatic nerve
injury involved).
During the dissection of the saphenofemoral junction, which structure is most liable to injury?
Deep external pudendal artery (runs under long saphenous vein close to origin)
What are the structures which attach to greater trochanter?
Muscle attachment on greater trochanter is POGO:
Obturator internus
Obturator externus
When the brachial plexus is injured in the axilla as a result of a crutch palsy, which nerve is most commonly affected?