Embryology Flashcards
Mother found meconium in front of the diaper. Dx
Persistence of the Vitello-intestinal duct.
Persistence of Uracus after birth due to
Median umbilical lig remnants
Appendix is derived from
Medial umblical fold. Embryological origin
obliterated Umblical Artery
Lateral Umblical fold. Formed by
inferior epigastric vessels
Epidymis vas deferns. Embryological origin
Mesonpheric Wolffian.
Utrerus /Vagina. Embryological origin
Paranephrlc mullern.
Inguinal hernia congenital due to
Patent Processus vaginalis.
Testicular descend is guided by
the Gubernaculum
Branchial cyst Origin from
2nd branchlal arch
Cleft palate due to
Failure of fusion of the palatine shelves of maxilla.
Cleft lip due to
failure of fusion of Ms of upper lip & nasolabial region
Neonate with recto-vesical fistula due to
Deffect in Cloaca
Embryological Origin of Inferior parathyroid
3rd Pharangeal pouch
Embryological Origin of superior parathyroid
4th pharangeal pouch
Emrbyologyical origin of thymus
3rd pharangeal pouch