Life Cycle Flashcards
Folate in fetus
Cell repro
Incrased maternal req-prob need sups
Prevent NC defects
B12 in fetus
Assists folate in manufacture of new cells
Animal foods
Iron in fetus
Maternal red cell mass expands
Absorption of iron incresaes 3x
Fetus draws heavily on iron stores
Interferes with Zn absroption
Vitamin C in fetus
helps with Fe absorption
Zn in fetus
DNA, RNA, protein synthesis
def=predicts low birth weight
Fe intereferes with Zn absorption
Maternal nutrient supps and who needs
Folate,Fe, Ca, other stuff
Reduce preterm, low birthweight, birth defects
Esepcially needed @poor diet, high risk preg, cigs/alc/drugs
severe htx protein in urine whole body edema 1st preg convulsions=need medical attention
Carbs and Ca
carbs increase Ca absoroption
6 Breast milk components
carbs (lactose), lipids (Fa’s), protein (easily digestable alpha-lactalbumin), vitD, low Zn, highly absorbably Fe and Zn
Infant supps
after 6moths-D, Fe, F
3formula drawback
no immunity
need to be iron fortified
risks over dilution/contamination
Cows milk (4)
poor source of iron
High Ca low vit C
high protein-can stress infant kdneys
start 1 year, lower fat 2-5 years
Pb tox in kids (2)
low Ca, Zn, vit c/D, Fe
food jags/picky eating
jags-tendancy to eat only small selection-common, normal and tempoarary-use food diary/offer lots of different types/wean off
picky-not wanting to try new food
Anaphylactic Shock
life threatening reaction to allergen
trx with epi