Exercise Metabolism Flashcards
effect of excercise on glucose/insulin
resting hyperglycemia not much better but response to glucose is not as drastic-cells more insulin sensitive and faster to resting glucose levels
@ excercise-insulin secreiton in people with abnornal glucose will increase almost to normal levels
excercise effect on immune function
increase to a point where too much excercise
what pathway is for excercise
- decreases ATP consumption (not use ATP for synthesis)
- increase catabolism
- AMP accumulates=low energy within the cells-activates AMPK
Physiologic targets of AMPK
GLut4 (muscle and adipose tissue)-take glucose in tnto these organs
SM FA ox, and increases gluocse uptake here-again GLUT4
Inhibits TAG syn, glocyogen syn, protein syn, cholesterol syn, FA syn, and insulin syn (req energy/ATP)
PFK 2 on when … activates and how activate
-same for off
Off when dephosphorylated by Insulin
-results in gluconeogenesis
On when glucagon phosphorylates it
-results in glycolysis
PFK2 off downstream
Fructose 2,6 bisP activated
- PFK1 is active
- gluconeogenesis
PFK2 on downstream
Fructose 2,6 P bisP inhibited
- FBP1,6ase is active
- glycolysis
epi effects on muscle and liver gycolysis
accerates glycolysis in muscle
inhibits glycolysis in liver
how does epi secretion increase glycolysis rate in muscle
epi phosphorylates gluycogen phosphorylase
- glycogen deg pathway
- get glucse 6p to fructose 6p
- Either PFK2 makes fructose 2,6bis P-activates PFK 1
- —-or makes PFK1 directly
PFK1 results in glycoslysis increase or fructose 1,6 bisP
inhibits CPT thereby blocking FA CoA entry to mito
-inactivated by AMPK
Maloyl CoA to acetyl CoA
-activates by AMPk
Where get DHAP from
-and where not from (2)
@lipolysis, glycolysis is inhib
@adipose cells-no glycerol kinase to make glycerol 3 P (made when DHAP made)
Use glyceroneogenesis
(basically shortened gluconeogenesis in liver/adipose)
Pyruvate to DHAP
Gluconeogenesis vs glycogenolysis @ excercise
start with much more glycogenolysis
-over time decrease, adn increase gluconeogenesis
Alanine cycle
- what happens
- extra things made
breakdown of glucose to alanine, then alanine regenerates glucose in liver
Uses BCAA and ALT to generate alanine
Alanine to glucose also makes ammonia