Gluconeogenesis Flashcards
Pyruvate carboxylase
Bicarb + pyruvate=oxaloacetate
- uses ATP
- needs biotin (inhib by avidin-raw egg)
- Obligate activator-acetyl COA
aka ABC carboxylase
-C is CO2
Phosphoenol carboxylase
PEPCK-both mito and cyto
- pyruvate/alanine to malate to oxaloacetate
- malate shuttle=makes NAD+
- into cyto as malate-make NADH-then oxalo then PEP - Lactate-made NADH-into mito and becomes PEP in mito
Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
fructose 1,6 bisphosphate to fructose 6 P
-changes to glucose 6P right after if gradient favors
hormonally and allosterically regulated
-AMP and fructose 2,6 bisphophosphate are inhibitors
Glucose 6 phosphatase
ER bound
glucose 6 P to glucose
-glucose can leave via GLUT2
5 reversible reactions occur when and what make/consumed
after making PEP to making fructose 1,6 bisphosphate
-ATP/NADH are used up
FBP1 def
lactic acidosis (no clearance by gluconeogenesis)
can’t regulate glucose levels=hypoglycemia
-impair formation of glucose from all gluconeogenic precursors
can get normoglycemia if get enough glucose in, and enough degradation of hepatic glycogen
frequent feeding with carbs=TRX
freq of attacks decrease with age-most children have normal psychomotor dev
AA in gluconeogenesis
Leu and Lys are only ketogenic-breakdown limited to acetyl CoA
Tyr is gluco and keto genic
Isoleucine, phenylalanine, and Tryptophan are also gluco and ketogogenic
glucogenic=donate carbon skeleton to somewhere in TCA
Cori cycle
liver uptakes lactate and makes glucose
Muscle uptakes glucose and glycolysis to lactate @rapid contraction (or normal)
pyruvate is middle step between two
Cahill Cycle
Alanine from active muscle or @fast is converted to glucose in liver
- alanine from skeletal muscle breaking down for energy-also ammonia made
- —can also get AA from diet
- —or from lactate(?)
glucose lyse to pyruvate to get alanine
alanine to pyruvate to glucose
Hyperglycemic mom and fat baby that passes out
Mom gives tons of glucose to baby, baby makes tons of insulin
- baby insulin makes all glucose take up-make glycogen
- baby has low blood sugar
AA in starving vs fed
AA from muscle breakdown
- gluconeogenesis
- glucose to TAGS to acetyl COA to ketones
- NO TCA!!!!
AA from diet
- TCA cycle running (Most important)
- acetyl COA to TAGs to glucose to glycolysis to acetyl COA