Life 52- Salt And Water Balance Flashcards
A steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex of mammals. Promotes secretion of potassium and reabsorption of sodium in the kidney.
A compound that is the main excreted form of nitrogen by many animals, including mammals.
Distal convoluted tubule
The portion of a renal rubule from where it reaches the renal cortex, just past the loop of Henle to where it joins a collecting duct.
Bowman’s Capsule
An elaboration of the renal tubule, composed of podocytes, the surrounds and collects the filtrate from the glomerulus.
Pertaining to an organism in which the final product of h breakdown of nitrogen-containing compounds is urea.
The excretory organ of flatworms, made up of a tubule and a flame cell.
The inner, core region of an organism
In vertebrates, the fluid product containing the toxic nitrogenous by-products of protein and amino acid metabolism.
The paired excretory organs of annelids
a state of dormancy and hypometabolism that occurs during the summer; usually a means of surviving drought and/or intense heat.
A peptide hormone that raises blood pressure by causing peripheral vessels to constrict. Also maintains glomerular filtration by constrictting efferent vessels and stimulates thirst and the release of aldosterone.
Collecting duct
In vertebrates, a tubule receives urine produced in th nephrons of the kidney and delivers that fluid to the ureter for excretion.
Relating to the kidneys
Cells of Bowman’s capsule of the nephron that cover the capillaries of the glomerulus, forming filtration slits.
Pertaining to an organism in which the final product of the breakdoqn of nitrogen-containing compounds is uric acid.
Relese of metabolic wastes by an organism
Countercurrent multiplier
The mechanism that increases the concentration of the interstitial fluid in the mammalian kidney through cuntercurrent flow in the loops of Henle and selective permeability and active transport of ions by segments of the loops of Henle.
Glomerular Filtration rate (GFR=
The rate at which the blood is filtrated in the glomeruli of the kidney.
Uric acid
A compound that serves as the main excreted form of nitrogen in some animals, particularly those which must conserve water, such as birds, insects and reptiles.
Long duct leading from the vertebrate kidney to the urinary bladde or the cloaca
Urinary bladder
A structure in which urine is stored until it can be excreted to the outside of the body
In most mammals, the vanal through which urine is dischareged from the bladder and which serves as the genital duct in males.
Malpighian tubule
A type of protonephridium found in insects
Renal tubule
A structural unit of the kidney that collects filtrate from the blood, reabsorbs specific ions, nutrients, and water and returs them to the blood, and concentrates excess ions and waste products such as urea for excretion from the body
In animals, the outer tissue of certain organs
The concentration of osmotically active particles in a solution
Loop of Henle
Long, hairpin loop of the mammalian renal tubule that runs from the cortex down into the medulla and back to the cortex; creates a concentraion gradient in the interstitial fluids in the medulla.
An aquatic animal that equilibriates the osmolarity of its exracellular fluid that is the same as with that of the external environment.
Atrial natriuretic peptide
A hormone released by the atrial muscle fibers of the heart when they are overly stretched, which decreases reabsorption of sodium by the kidney and thus blood volume
Vasa Recta
Bloos vessels that parallel the loops of Henle and the collecting ducts in the renal medulla of the kidney
The funtional unit of the kidney, consistin of a structure for receiving a filtrate of blood and a tubule that reabsorbs selected parts of the filtrate
A peptide hormone that raises blood presure by causing peripheral vessels to constrict. Also maintains glomerular filtration by constricting efferent vessels and stimualtes thrist and the release of aldosterone
A pair of excretory organs in vertebrates
Pertaining to an organism in which the final product of breakdown of nirogen-containing compounds is ammonia
Proximal convoluted tubule
The initial segment of a renal tubule, closest to the glomerulus.
Sites in the kidney where blood filtration takes place, consisting of a knot of capillaries served by afferent and efferet arterioles