Life 45- Neurons And Nervous Systems Flashcards
Spatial summation
In the production or inhibition of action potentials in a post synaptic cell, the interaction of depolarisations and hyper polarisation produced at different sites on the post synaptic cell.
Patch clamping
A technique for isolating a tiny patch of membrane to allow the study of ion movement through a particular channel.
Motor end plate
The modified area on a muscle cell membrane where a synapse is formed with a motor neuron
A nervous system cell that can generate and conduct action potentials along an axon to a synapse with another cell.
Presynaptic neuron
The neuron that transmits information to another cell at a synapse
Neuromuscular junction
Synapse (point of contact) where a motor neuron axon stimulates a muscle fibre cell.
Voltage-gated channel.
A type of gated channel that opens or closes when a certain voltage exists across the membrane in which it is inserted.
A change in the resting potential across a membrane so that the inside of the cell becomes less negative, or even positive, compared with the outside of the cell.
Long-term potentiation (LTP)
A long-lasting increase in the responsiveness of a neuron resulting from a period of intense stimulation.
Refractory period
The time interval after an action potential during which another action potential cannot be elicited from an excitable membrane.
Central nervous system (CNS)
That portion of the nervous system that is the site of most information processing, storage, and retrieval; in vertebrates, the brain and spinal cord.
Saltatory conduction
The rapid conduction of action potentials in myelinated axons; so called because action potentials appear to “jump” between nodes of Ranvier along the axon.
Cells of the nervous system that do not conduct action potentials.
Electrochemical gradient
The concentration gradient of an ion across a membrane plus the voltage difference across that membrane.
Schwann cell
A type of glia cell that myelinated axons in the peripheral nervous system
Temporal summation
In the production or inhibition of action potentials in a postsynaptic cell, the interaction of depolarisations or hyperpolarisations produced by rapidly repeated stimulation of a single point on the postsynaptic cell
Neural network
An organised group of neurons that contains three functional categories of neurons- afferent neurons, inter neurons, and efferent neurons- and is capable of processing information.
A neuron that communicates information between two other neurons.
Glia cells that act as macrophages and mediators of inflammatory responses in the central nervous system
Node of Ranvier
A gap in the myelin sheath covering an axon; the point where the axonal membrane can fire action potentials.