Life 43- Reproduction Flashcards
Block to polyspermy
Any of the several responses to entry of a sperm into an egg that prevent more than one sperm from entering the egg
In mammals, the tube serving to transport eggs to the uterus or to outside of the body
In animals, the diploid progeny of a germ cell in males
Secondary spermatocyte
One of the products of the first meiotic division of primary spermatocyte
The thick, whitish liquid produced by the male reproductive system in mammals, containing the sperm
Uterine cycle
In human females, the monthly cycle of event by which the endometrium is prepared for the arrival of blastocyst
Release of an egg from an ovary
Seminiferous tubules
The tubules within the testes within which sperm production occurs.
Vitellius envelope
The inner, proteinaceous protective layer of a sea urchin egg
The act of preventing Union of sperm and egg
In female mammals, an immature egg surrounded by nutritive cells.
The cell created by the Union of two gametes, in which the gamete nuclei are also found. The earliest stage of the diploid generation.
The coexist ace of both female and male sex organs in the same organism
In female animals, the entry’s to the reproductive tract.
A specialised portion of the female reproductive tract in mammals that receives the fertilised egg and nurtures the embryo in its early development
Pertaining to reproduction in which fertilised eggs develop and hatch within the mother’s body but are not attached to the mother by means of a placenta.
The male Gonad; the organ that produces the male gametes
An early embryo formed by the first division of the fertilised egg (zygote). In mammals, a hollow ball of cells.
The specialised series of cellular division that leads to the production of gametes
An organ that produces gametes in animals: either an ovary (female) or testis (male)
Reproductive behaviour that results in a male depositing sperm in the reproductive tract of a female
Reproduction in which fertilisation of the egg and development of the embryo occur inside the mother’s body
Coiled tubules in the testes that store sperm and conduct sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the vas deferens
Prostate gland
In male humans, surrounds the urethra at its junction with the vas deferens; supplies an acid-neutralising fluid to the semen.
Primary spermatocyte
The diploid progeny of s spermatogonium; undergoes meiotic division
Bulbourethral glands
Secretory structures of the human male reproductive system that produce a small volume of an alkaline, mucoid secretion that helps neutralise acidity in the urethra and lubricate it to facilitate the passage of semen.
Production of an organism from an unfertilised egg
Union of gametes. Also known as syngamy
Zona pellucida
A jellylike substance that surrounds the mammalian ovum when it is release from the ovary.
The epithelial lining of the uterus
Ovarian cycle
In human females, the monthly cycle of events by which eggs and hormones are produced
One of the products of the second meiotic division of a primary spermatocyte; four haploid cells, which remain connected by cytoplasmic bridges, are produced from each primary spermatocyte that enters meiosis.
Polar body
A nonfunctional nucleus produced by meiosis during oogenisis
Gametogenesis leading to the production of sperm.
External fertilisation
The release of gametes into the environment; typical of aquatic animals. Also called spawning.
Amniote egg
A shelled egg surrounding four extra embryonic membranes and embryo-nourishing yolk. This evolutionary adaptation permitted mammals and reptiles to live an reproduce in direr environments than can most amphibians.
The opening of the uterus into the vagina.
Primary oocyte
The diploid progeny of an oogonium. In many species, it enters prophase of the first meiotic division, then remains in developmental arrest for a long time before resuming meiosis
The structure at the forward tip of an animal sperm which is the first to fuse with the egg membrane and enter the egg cell.
The organ in female mammals that provides for the nourishment of the Cetus and elimination of the feral waste products.
Glans penis
Sexually sensitive tissue at the tip of the penis.
Sertoli cells
Cells in the seminiferous tubules that nature the developing sperm
The male gamete
Pertaining to organisms in which the two sexes are “housed” in two different individuals, so that eggs and sperm are not produced in the same individuals.
Germ cells
A reproductive cell or gamete of a multicellular organism
Vas deferens
Duct that transfer sperm from epididymis to the urethra
In most mammals, the canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder and which serves as the genital duct in males.
Pertaining to organisms in which both sexes are “housed” in a single individual that produces both eggs and sperm.
An accessory sex organ of male animals that enables the male to deposit sperm in the female’s reproductive tract.
Reproduction in which eggs are released by the female and development is external to the mothers body
Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs)
Any of several procedures that remove unfertilised eggs from the ovary, combine them with sperm outside the body, and then place fertilised eggs or egg-sperm mixtures in the appropriate location in a female’s reproductive tract for development.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
A hormone secreted by the placenta that sustains the corpus luteum and helps maintain pregnancy.
The development of a complete individual from a fragment of an organism.
A sac of skin that encloses the testicles in male mammals.
Internal fertilisation.
The release of sperm into the female reproductive tract; typical of most terrestrial animals.
The period of heat, or maximum sexual receptivity, in some female mammals. Ordinarily, the time of release of eggs in the female.
Asexual reproduction in which a more or less complete new organism grows from the body of the parent organism, eventually detaching itself.
Jelly coat.
The outer protective layer of a sea urchin egg, which triggers an acrosomal reaction in sperm.
Any female organ, in plants or animals, that produces an egg