Liberalism Quotes Flashcards
What is a John Locke quote about individualism in which he says that people should be concerned with themselves rather than others?
‘Our business here is not to know all things, but those which concern our conduct’
What is a famous JS Mill quote about individuals being sovereign?
‘Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign’
What is a JS Mill quote about individuals being not being accountable in society?
‘The individual is not accountable to society for his actions’, so long as they do not harm others
What is a Betty Friedan quote about woman finding themselves?
‘The only way for a woman to find herself is by creative work of her own’
What is a Mary Wollstonecraft quote about women having power themselves?
‘I do not wish women to have power over men; but power over themselves’
What is a John Rawls quote about the failure of individualism?
‘Individualism does not recognise that individuals are dependent for their satisfaction upon the larger social and economic system’
What is a John Rawls quote which he effectively says that people shouldn’t be punished due to a lack of natural endowments?
‘No one deserves his greater natural capacity’
What is a John Locke quote about law and tyranny?
‘Wherever law ends, tyranny begins’
What is a Locke quote about the law upholding freedom?
‘The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom’
What is a JS Mill quote about what liberty consists of?
‘Liberty consists in doing what one desires’
What was Betty Friedan’s book about why women were unhappy?
‘The problem that has no name’ - 1963
What is a Friedan quote about women being confined to the house?
‘No woman gets an orgasm from shining the kitchen floor’
What is a Mary Wollstonecraft quote about freedom and reason?
‘Freedom and reason are the only corrective to prejudice and error’
What did Mary Wollstonecraft want women to become?
‘Free citizens’
What is a John Rawls quote about liberty for all?
‘The only restrictions on liberty that are consistent with its value are those that are necessary to secure the same liberty for others’
What is a Locke quote about the role of the state?
‘Government has no other end but the preservation of property’
What is a Mill quote about the state’s role being to improve lives?
‘The proper function of government is to make the rules that will promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number
What is a Betty Friedan about reliance on the state?
‘It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself’
What is a Wollstonecraft quote about the state helping people achieve their goals?
‘The first duty of society is to give each of its members the possibility of fulfilling his destiny’
What is a Rawls quote about the state being a necessity?
‘The state is needed to maintain conditions of societal cooperation’
What did Rawls say the primary role of the state was?
‘The primary role of the state is to protect and promote the social and economic conditions that enable citizens to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives’
What is a John Locke quote about reason?
‘Reason must be our last judge and guide in everything’
What is a Mill quote about the mind?
‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled’
What is a Friedan quote about listening to women?
‘We can no longer ignore the voice within women’
What is a Wollstonecraft quote about what she wanted women to be made?
‘Make women rational creatures’
What is a Rawls quote about what rationality is?
‘Rationality is a requirement of moral conduct’
What is a Locke quote about all men being equal?
‘All men are by nature equal, and ought to be treated so by the law’
What is a Friedan quote about women not being free?
‘No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body’
What is a Rawls quote about ensuring justice for all in society?
‘Justice requires that we eliminate the arbitrary factors that determine a person’s position in society’
What did John Locke say mankind is?
‘Equal and independent’
What did Locke say the government had an obligation to do?
To protect a man’s ‘life, liberty and estate’
What is a Locke quote about liberty and law?
‘When there is no law, there is no liberty’
What did JS Mill say the only freedom that matters was?
The only freedom that matters is ‘pursing our own good’
What is a Mill quote about community?
‘I am not aware that any community has a right to force another to be civilized’
How did Wollstonecraft believe the female mind could be strengthened?
By ‘enlarging it’
What type of state did Rawls want?
An ‘enabling’ state