14.2-Feminism-Radical Feminism Flashcards
What were radical feminist ideas a rebuttal of?
Liberal feminist ideas
What is a radical feminist quote about focusing on the private sphere as well as the public sphere?
‘the personal is the political’
What did Andrew Vincent describe radical feminism as?
‘A jumble of incomprehensible views and intellectual influences’
What Kate Millet book took a psychoanalytical approach to feminism?
Sexual politics - 1970
What was Millet’s solution to ending the socialising of children?
The abolition of the nuclear family
What did Charlotte Bunch argue about the nuclear family??
That the nuclear family should be abolished and replaced by lesbian communities
What did Germaine Greer argue about the patriarchy?
It had socialised women to view their sexual desires as unfeminine and to be embarrassed about their bodies
What did Germaine Greer argue for?
Sexual liberation and the abandonment of traditional marriage