10.2 Neo-liberalism Flashcards
In what 2 ways does neo-liberalism differ from all other aspects of conservatism?
- It views society as being atomistic (not organic)
- It has a positive view of human nature
What 2 things are neo-liberals principally concerned with?
Atomistic individualism and free-market economics
What core conservative belief of Hobbes, Burke and Oakeshott do neo-liberals disagree with?
They disagree with the view that the state has the legitimacy to interfere via a social contract or noblesse oblige
What do neo-liberals believe about state intervention?
State intervention subverts freedom
What is a Nozick quote about state intervention?
‘The state’s claim to legitimacy induces its citizens to believe that they have some duty to obey its edicts, pay its taxes, fight its battles, and so on’
What do neo-liberals abhor?
State interference in the life of the individual
What did Robert Nozick argue for?
Self-ownership, whereby individuals retained their bodies, talents, anilities and labour and were under minimal obligation from the state
What were Nozick’s ideas influenced by?
John Locke’s rationalism, which focuses in the individual rights of men
What type of government do neo-liberals argue for?
A miniaturist government, similar to those of the 18th century
What is a Nozick quote about the extent of state intervention?
‘Limited to the narrow function of force, theft, enforcement of contracts and so on’
How did Nozick believe individual freedom could be preserved?
By rolling back the state
What did Rand believe about the organic society?
It is a construct that blunts the development of the individual
What did Rand believe society was capable of and what examples did she use?
She believed that society is capable of making individuals believe unquestioningly that the world if flat or that the Nazi and Communist regimes were justifiable
Who did Rand believe the heroes of history were?
Those who can break such harmful groupthink and retain a capability for original rational thought
What did Rand believe was the only way for individuals to experience negative freedom and develop their full potential?
Atomistic individualism
What did Nozick admit about humans?
That humans are ‘pack animals’ who enjoy and need social and economic interactions
What was Rand’s main theory called?
What is Rand’s theory of objectivism?
A philosophy based on the rationalism of reason and scientific fact
What did Rand believe about the traditions championed by other aspects of conservatism?
They were nonsense
What does Rand argue for?
A ‘virtue of selfishness’
What does Rand believe is morally right?
For individuals to pursue their own dreams and objectives rather than those determined by state and society
What did Rand loathe?
What is altruism?
The belief that humans are not born to be self-seeking but can display fellow feeling, sympathy for others and an instinct to help and cooperate with others
What did Rand argue about altruism?
It is misrepresented in an organic society, as it should not be a duty dictated by the state but the rational action of an individual pursuing their own values
What do neo-liberals argue about the welfare state?
Welfare state spending arrests the development of atomistic individualism by making individuals dependent on the state
What do neo-liberals believe about self-interest?
It is the most rational and moral course of action that one can take
What were the explanations for the failure of Keynesian economics?
Only the free market could properly allocate resources
What did neo-liberals argue about the state in regards to the economy?
That the state was ill-equipped to plan or intervene in the economy
What did neo-liberals believe about nationalised industries?
They were inefficient, lacked free-market dynamism and were artificially protected from free-market competition, which distorted the whole market
What is a Milton Friedman quote about the federal government running the economy?
‘If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there’d be a shortage of sand’
What do neo-liberals see the role of the state being limited to economically?
Controlling inflation - a policy known as ‘monetarism’
What does the neo-liberal belief in minimal government intervention dictate?
That individuals should rise and fall on their own abilities
What was Thatcher indifferent to?
High unemployment
What industry did Thatcher see as inefficient and tried to shut it down?
The coal mining industry
Why did Thatcher shut down the coal mining industry as well as privatising other industries?
She believed that the state should not protect failing industries
In what book did Friedrich von Hayek argue that unchecked welfare state spending would bankrupt socities?
The Road to Serfdom
What do conservatives agree on in regards to what the powers of the state should be economically?
It is the role of the state to defend economic contracts and private property
What do conservatives agree the state can defend?
The existence of capitalism and the free market
What do conservatives agree on in regards to private property?
It is vitally important as it reduces individuals’ dependency on the state
How do neo-liberals, neo-conservatives, traditional conservatives and one-nation conservatives disagree on tax?
- Neo-liberals would abolish tax
- Neo-conservatives and traditional conservatives argue for low taxation
- One-nation conservatives advocate higher levels of taxation
What are one-nation conservatives most likely to favour in the economy?
State intervention in the economy, most conservatives favour the free-market and laissez-faire economics
What is an example of a policy that neo-conservatives support but neo-liberals oppose?
Government intervention during the economic crisis of 2008