Lesson 9 C1500-C1700 Flashcards
The gunpowder plotters —
Background to the Gunpowder plotters
After 1570, when the pope had called on Catholics to dispose Elizabeth, more laws were imposed that prevented Catholics practising their faith. Reign of Tudors ended with Elizabeth’s death.
Who took over after Elizabeth and what had Catholics hoped?
- Her cousin’s son James Stuart inherited the throne. Catholics had hoped for more freedom to practise their religions
How did the gunpowder plotters come together?
James I continued w anti - catholic laws.
A group of Catholics led by Robert Catesby plotted to kill the king and other leading protestants at the state opening of the parliament on 5 Nov 1605.The plotters wanted to make James daughter , Elizabeth Queen.
What happened next that eventually led to the plotters getting caught?
Lord Monteagle gave a letter he received on 30 oct 1605 which warned him not to attend the state opening of the parliament to Robert Cecil
Where did the plotters plan everything??
The plotters rented a house next to , and a cellar directly under the house of parliament .They filled the cellar with barrels of gun powder.
How did the plotters get caught?
Cecil ordered a search for the house of parliament. The gunpowder and guy Fawkes has been discovered on 5 Nov 1605.Guy Fawkes was arrested and after torture gave up the names of his fellow conspirators. Those captured and arrested were tortured and confessed
What happened after the plotters were caught and arrested?
The plotters were tried and found guilt of treason in January 1606.They were publicly hanged, drawn and quartered on 30-31 JAN 1606
Reason for the harsh public punishment for treason
1) w/o police force, harsh punishment was thought to be the only way to deter crime
2) period of political instability due to disputed over royal succession required harsh treatment as deterrence
3) Harsh message necessary to deter Catholics from rising up against the protestant monarchy.