Lesson 8: Cognitive Bias Flashcards
What is a cognitive bias
Its when you use the fast system 1 thinking and just ride along/dont stop to think rationally or to check the facts and jump to erroneous conclusions.
When do biases occur and how many diff types are there?
Biases occur all the time and we have over 300 of them. They keep us safe and are quick/energy efficient.
A national anthem that strnegthen solidarity and patriotism - which bias is this?
In-group favouritism
When poeple tend to prefer others who are like them and fight with or alienate others who aren’t - name the bias
In group favouritism
Describe Solomon Asch’s conformity experiment
Asch showed the degree to which a person’s own opinion is influenced by that of agroup.
Study participants were giving obviously wrong answers just because others also gave them first. Just to conform.
Which bias does the Asch experiment hint towards?
Conformity bias or Group Think+
If I wear a a tie, you will think I am more professional vs if I dont. Which bias is this?
Halo Effect
Describe the Duning Kruger Effect
Think of it like a consultant
Doesnt know much but sounds like he does and talks about it with strong opinion cuz he craves attention
Whereas the true experts, recognize nuances and say they dont know everything
Describe the anchoring effect
What you hear first becomes the benchmark or anchor for everything that comes afterwards
When we tend to search for and favor information that supports our preexisting beliefs, what is it called?
Confirmation bias
If you have a negative belief about someone o something, how many data points to do you generally need to be made to think otherwise
5-7 positive data points
Give an example of confirmation bias in your everyday life
All guru-jis are a hoax - even if one of them does soemthing good, I will think some thing is off. If I find something wrong one of them did, I will use that to strnegthen my bias.
Marketing uses the rule of repitition a lot. So does politics. Why and what bias is this calling up?
Repeat a lie enough and it will be believed as the truth
Repitition bias - aka Availability Cascade
What’s the famous story that best describes the STATUS QUO bias?
We wont change until the change “hurts enough” - Cowboy and the dog pin story
Describe the sunk cost fallacy or bias
When you’ve gotten too deep into something to pull out of it, even though it has no future (e.g. project at work with too much money/time invested, a marriage with years spent married)
The way you give meaning to a situation or an experience, positive or neg - what bias is this?
Framing Effect - you can choose to look at a situation whichever way you want. As a victim or not. Some ppl have a bias towards one vs another.
What the right way to address a stereotype you have
To say “ Some of the Asians I know, are really bad at driving” or “Some of the men I know are really bad listeners”
Describe Milgrams experiment with men in coats. Which bias is this?
AUTHORITY BIAS - It examined people’s willingness to obey authority. Participants in the study were instructed to administer electric shocks to a learner, even when that obedience caused harm to the learner.
Which bias is it that describes how ppl think they have been healed even though they took a fake pill
Placebo Effect
What is the IKEA effect/bias?
We place a higher value on things we have made/created ourselves vs created by others. Like building an IKEA furniture.
We are not aware we have these, but can ask ppl we trust to tell us about them. What type of bias is being referred to here?
Blind Spot Bias - The tendency to not see our own biases and see ourselves as less susceptible to biases than others.
We all have them and it has nothing to do with intelligence, self esteem or ability.
When a teacher believes in you and you live up to it - what bias is this? Recall the full experiment. Whats the key message?
Pygmalion effect - Verbal and Non verbal communication matters
Teachers shown top 5 IQ students (which were fake). Swore not to let them cloud their judgement. Year later those 5 students showed the biggest jump in IQ.
- Always look for potential - not past performance - use with clients.
- Opposite can also be true - watch out for these cues in client’s past