Lesson 2C (Part 1) Flashcards
What is the order of organization of the body from smallest to largest? (4)
- Cells
- Tissues
- Organs
- Systems
Individual units found in all parts of the human body
Similar cells that are grouped togethers to do a specific job
Structures composed of several kinds of tissues
Groups of organs working together to perform complex functions
Anatomical position
Reference position
- body erect
- arms by sides
- palms forward
- head and feet pointing forward
Bilateral symmetry
A term meaning that the right and left sides of the body are mirror images
- balanced proportions
Structures are on the same side of the body
- left arm and left leg
Structures are on the opposite sides of the body in the anatomical position
- right arm
- left leg
What are the 4 quadrants of the body?
What are the 9 regions of the body?
- Right hypochondriac
- Epigastric
- Left hypochondriac
- Right lumbar
- Umbilical
- Left lumbar
- Right iliac
- Hypogastric
- Left iliac
What are the 2 main cavities in the body?
- Ventral
2. Dorsal
What cavities make up the ventral cavity? (2)
- Thoracic cavity
2. Abdominopelvic
What makes up the thoracic cavity? (3)
- Mediastinum
- contains heart - Pleural cavity
- contains lungs - Pericardial cavity
- contains the heart
What makes up the abdominopelvic cavity? (2)
- Abdomen
2. Pelvic