Lesson 18: New Material Flashcards
veho véhere vexi vectus
to convey, transport
The master has spoken.
Magister dixit.
to conquer
vinco vincere vici victus
to build, construct
struo strūere struxi structurus
jungo júngere junxi junctus
to join, connect
dico dícere dixi dictus
to say, speak
vivo vívere vixi victus
to live, be alive
vinco vincere vici victus
to conquer
struo strūere struxi structurus
to build, construct
to say, speak
dico dícere dixi dictus
to fix, fasten
figo figere fixi fixus
traho tráhere traxi tractus
to drag, haul
Magister dixit.
The master has spoken.
to join, connect
jungo júngere junxi junctus
to drag, haul
traho tráhere traxi tractus
rego régere rexi rectus
to rule
to convey, transport
veho véhere vexi vectus
figo figere fixi fixus
to fix, fasten
to rule
rego régere rexi rectus
duco ducére duxi ductus
to lead
to live, be alive
vivo vívere vixi victus
to lead
duco ducére duxi ductus
The perfect system is ___ regular in all four conjugations.
How do you find the perfect stem for all four conjugations?
Drop the i from the 3rd principal part.
Although 3rd-conjugation verbs do not have regular principal parts, they do have ___ that will help you remember them. What is the pattern for verbs like rego?
-o -ere -xi -ctus