Lesson 14: New Material Flashcards
áudio audire
to hear
Aut viam invéniam aut fáciam.
I shall either find a way or make one.
dórmio dormire
to sleep
fínio finire
to finish, limit
I shall either find a way or make one.
Aut viam invéniam aut fáciam.
impédio impedire
to hinder, obstruct
invénio invenire
to discover, find out
múnio munire
to fortify, protect
néscio nescire
to not know
scio scire
to know
séntio sentire
to feel, perceive
to discover, find out
invénio invenire
to feel, perceive
séntio sentire
to finish, limit
fínio finire
to fortify, protect
múnio munire
to hear
áudio audire
to hinder, obstruct
impédio impedire
to know
scio scire
to not know
néscio nescire
to sleep
dórmio dormire
vénio venire
to come
to come
vénio venire
The infinitive of the 4th conjugation is
Give the stem vowels for all four conjugations.
1st - a, 2nd - ē, 3rd - none, 4th - i
The present system of the 4th conjugation is essentially the same as the 3rd conjugation with the addition of ___.
the stem vowel i