Lesson 10: Digestive System Flashcards
What is “the digestive system”? (steps)
- ingestion
- digestion (stomach)
- absorption (small intestines-large intestines
4 Egestion/excretion (rectal+anus)
Why is the digestive system important?
-helps get rid of waste
-absorb nutrients
-breaking up foods
The digestive system is made up of
several organs and accessory organs
The organs can be referred to as
the “gastrointestinal tract” or “gut”
“gastrointestinal tract” or “gut”
does it touch food?
does it touch food?
-yes-digestive tract
no-accessory organ
Mouth (or “oral cavity”)
Purpose of mechanical digestion (biting, chewing/using muscles to break down the food/physically break down the food):
the increase of surface area helps efficient digestion
helps stomach acids
tongue+teeth help
it is composed of smooth muscles
it’s a big tube of muscles-series of muscles of contraction
connect mouth to stomach
strong wave-like motions of the smooth muscle move balls of swallowed food to the stomach.
EX. last part of your freezy you push it up with you fingers
it’s taking the tube and is closing part of the tube, it’s going to push your freezy upwards
muscles contract and push food down
how does PERISTALSIS help astronauts?
there is no gravity in space, they need this muscle to push their food down
its like a room with top and bottom doors, one connects to esophagus and one connects to intestine. The doors are called sphincter
top door on the stomach is called
cardiac sphincter/gastroesophagea sphincter
storage site and chemical digestion
stomach has stomach acids; main acid is hydrochloric acid-it usually stays at 1-2 ph
stomach blends all the food using stomach acid (breaks down), if the cardiac sphincter doesn’t close on time, the stomach acid splash up to the esophogeos and because that’s located near the heart we get HEART BURNS
types of digestion
-mechanical (mouth and stomach)
-chemical (stomach)
stomach-bottom door is called
Pyloric sphincter connects to small intestine.
small intestine is length
8-10 meters
form fits function-very long tube -small intestine
mechanical and chemical digestion and absorbtion
helps absorb nutrients and remove waste.
we see mechanical and chemical digestion
liver helps with fats
sugars proteins -are taken out
purpose of villa
finger like projections are there to increase surface area
villi increase suraface area and microvili help with abosoption of nutritions located on the walls of small intestines
accessory organs
liver, pancreas, gall bladder
liver helps with releasing bile to help digest food with high fat concentration
micro villas
blood vessals in micro villas is going to transport proteins
large intestine, rectum, and anus
storage, reabsorption of water, and excretion
main function is to reabsorb water
rectum stores-waste
anus -excretion
why do we have an appendix?
we don’t know?
storage of bacteria maybe?
why do we
As food moves through the gastrointestinal tract, it is broken down and nutrients are absorbed for the use by cells
Cellular Respiration!!!!
Cellular Respiration
C6H12O6 + O2 🡪 CO2 + H2O + energy
digestive system provides (cellular respiration)
glucose for cellular respiration eqaution
Medicine and Health-
Excess stomach acid regurgitates
back into esophagus causing heart burn/GERD
Epiglottis (digestive)
A movable “lid” just above the larynx that prevents food and drink from entering your windpipe. But if the epiglottis becomes swollen — either from infection or from injury — the airway narrows and may become completely blocked.
covers the trachea: let the food go down the esophagus
covers the esophagus: let the air down the trachea