Biology Mitosis (lesson 4) Flashcards
Cells undergo the cell cycle as they
grow, replicate, and die
When cells replicate and divide for growth, this is called
“asexual reproduction”
The specific processes of cell division is called
“mitosis” and
Most single celled organisms reproduce through simple
binary fission
Multicellular organisms go through two steps during cell division:
mitosis and cytokinesis
Mitosis is the
division of the nucleus and nuclear contents
Cytokinesis is
the division of the cell and cell contents
The cell cycle is a
summary of the life of a cell
The cell cycle is comprised of three (3) distinct stages:
The length of time to complete a cell cycle is
is different for different
types of cells
the phase in which cells grow, function, and DNA replicates
Cell division occurs in two (2) stages:
Mitosis: The process by which in most animal and plant cells the
chromosomes (in its cell nucleus) separate into two identical sets, in two
separate nuclei
Cytokinesis: The division of a cell into two cells containing roughly equal
shares of the cellular components
Mitosis consists of four (4) phases:
Chromosomes (chromatids) condense and thicken
Sister chromatids are connected by a “centromere”
Nuclear membrane (envelope) disintegrates
Spindle fibers form from the centrosomes
The paired chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell
Spindle fibers from the centrosomes attach to the sister chromatids
Sister chromatids are separated by the spindle fibers
The sister chromatids move to the opposite poles of the cell
In plant cells, instead to being pulled apart, a structure called a cell plate forms
along the equator of the cell to form two daughter cells
The daughter chromosomes relax and uncoil
A new nuclear membrane forms around each group of daughter chromosomes
The cytoplasm divides to produce two new daughter cells
In plant cells, a cell wall develops to separate the daughter cells