Lesson 1 (Part 2) Flashcards
What are the ligaments that support the uterus? (6)
- Broad ligament
- paired - Cardinal
- paired - Uterosacral
- paired - Posterior
- single - Anterior
- single - Round
- paired
Broad ligament
Are double folds of parietal peritoneum that the uterus is suspended between and extends laterally to the lateral pelvic walls
Cardinal ligament
Lower extension of broad ligament
Round ligament
Fibromuscular cords extend from the upper outer angles of uterus through the inguinal canal and attach to the labia majora
Uterosacral ligaments
Are fold like extensions of peritoneum that are located posterior from the uterus to the sacrum and are on each side of rectum
Anterior ligament
It is a fold of peritoneum that goes from the anterior surface of uterus to the posterior surface of bladder
What does the anterior ligament form? (2)
- The anterior cul de sac
or - Vesicouterine pouch
- fluid collects in this area
Posterior ligament
It extends from the posterior side of the uterus to the rectum
What does the posterior ligament form? (3)
1. Forms a deep pouch “Pouch of Douglas” PCDS or 2. Posterior cul de sac or 3. Rectouterine recess
- fluid collects in this area
What are 2 functions of the uterus if fertilization occurs?
- It implants into the endometrial lining and develops within UT
- Myometrial contractions at labour
What are 2 functions of the uterus if fertilization does not occur?
- Menstruation occurs
2. Myometrial contractions aide sloughing off the endometrium
What is the uterus’s primary blood supply?
Internal iliac arteries
Where does the uterine blood supply travel within?
The broad ligament
- at the cornua anastomose with the ovarian artery
Where do the broad ligament and the ovarian artery enter?
The myometrium
Where do uterine plexus of veins run along?
With the arteries
What part of the uterus is fixed?
The cervix
What parts of the uterus is mobile? (2)
- Body
2. Fundus
Joining of 2 structures
A collection of
- bunch of
What are 2 uterine positions?
- Flexion
2. Version
Axis of the uterine body relative to the cervix
- bend
Axis of the cervix relative to the vagina
- whole uterus is forward or back
What can affect or change the position of the uterus? (2)
- Distension of the bladder
2. Rectal fullness
What is the common position for the uterus? (2)
- Anteverted
2. Anteflexed
What are 2 less common positions for the uterus?
- Retroverted
- tilted back (related to the vagina) - Retroflexed
- bent back (related to the cervix)
How long are the fallopian tubes?
7-12cm in length
What are the 4 portions of the fallopian tubes?
- Intramural
- closest to the uterus - Isthmus
- Ampulla
- largest - Infundibulum
- closest to the ovary
What part of the fallopian tube is the narrowest?
- 1cm long
- contained within muscular wall of the uterus
Is the medial third part of the fallopian tube
- slightly wider and cordlike
How long is the ampulla?
Approx. ½ of length of the tube
Where does the infundibulum open into?
The peritoneal cavity