Left realism Flashcards
How can we compare left realists to marxists ?
Like Marxists, left realists see society as being unequal and capitalist
However, unlike Marxists, left realists believe that society can be reformed
What other sociologists do left realists criticise for not taking crime serious ?
Labelling theory
Young (1997)
What do left realists see as the causes of crime ?
Relative deprivation
What is relative deprivation ?
How deprived someone feels in relation to others or compared to their expectations
what does Young (1999) say is also a factor ?
Individualism (a concern with the self and one’s own rights)
For Left realists what are subcultures ?
Group solution to the problem of relative deprivation
What is marginalisation ?
Where marginalised groups lack the goals and organisations to respond to their oppression in society
Young’s contrast between cultural inclusion and economic exclusion is similar to what ?
Mertons anomie and strain theory
What do Kinsley, Lea and Young (1986) argue ?
That the police are not effective enough to be a deterrent to crime and military style policing has resulted in the alienation of communities
What reduces the sense of deprivation, frustration and marginalisation felt by many working-class and ethnic minority groups ?
Reductions in inequalities in wealth, opportunities, housing and community facilities