Feminist theory Flashcards
Why do feminists criticise other theories ?
For being too malestream (viewing society from a male point of view)
What do liberal feminists argue ?
Women should have equal rights with men change will happen through gradual reform
What does Oakley argue ?
Although there are sex, or biological differences between men and women, gender differences such as masculine or feminine roles, are culturally constructed
How are liberal feminists criticised ?
Criticised for not considering the deep-seated structures, such as capitalism and patriarchy, which cause oppression
What do Radical feminists argue ?
That the main cause of oppression is patriarchy
What does Greer argue ?
The creation of all female households are to escape from the exploitation and abuse inherent in the nuclear family
What do Marxist feminists argue ?
That the main cause of women’s oppression is capitalism
In what way do marxist feminists argue women reproduce the labour force ?
Through their unpaid domestic work and absorb anger which would otherwise be directed at capitalism
What does Barret argue ?
We must give more emphasis to women’s consciousness and motivations and the role ideology plays in maintaining their oppression
In what way are marxist feminists criticised ?
They fail to suggest why women do more domestic work rather than men
What do difference Feminists claim ?
That feminist theory only to refer to white, Western, heterosexual women
What do Poststructural feminists like Butler argue ?
There is no fixed essence of what it is to be a women. Because our identities are constituted through discourse, and because there are many different discourses in different times and cultures
What does butlers study conclude ?
Feminists are wrong to believe they can adapt the Enlightenment project so that it somehow includes all women – because women are not a single entity who all share the same ‘essence’