Lecure 5 Flashcards
The lack of pattern or predictibality in events
On the folly of Rewarding A, while hoping for B
Rewarding short-term performance while hoping for long-term commitement.
What are the consequences of misaligned rewards?
1-Decreased morale and trust
2- Increasi likelihood of undesired behaviors.
Basic concepts in performance measurement?
1-Criterion data
2- Employee development
3- Motivatiion /satisfaction
6-Layoff (termination of employees job due to business needs)
Types of perfromance data
Performance measurement
1- Hand-on performance measurement
- engage in work-related tasks
- include constructed simulations
- walk through testing ( describe the details how to do a job)
Performance management
Link between individual behavior and organizational strategies and goals
3 components of performance management
1-Definition of performance
2-Actual measurement process
3-Communication between superviser and subordinate about individual behavior and organizational expectations
Perceptions of fair management
1-Joint planning with supervios to eliminate weaknesses
2- Supervior’s knowledge of duties of person being measured
3- Knowldge of actual performance of person being rated
Distributive justice
Fairness of outcome related to decisions.
Procedural justice
Fairness of process by which ratings are assigned and a decision is made
Interpersonal justice
Respectfullness and personal tone of communications surrounding evaluation
Theories of performance rtaing
1-Process model: adresses various factors compriisng rating process
2-Content model: adresses content input to supervisory ratings
3-Rating context: includes announced purpose and other non-announced agendas surronding rateings
3 factors influence performance retains
1-Task performance
2-Contextual performance
3- Counter-productve performance
Structural performance rating
1- Which duty characteritics being measured
2- which meaning of response categories is defined
3- person interpreting the results can understand seponse that rater intended
Rating formats
1-Graphic rating scales (most common)
- graphically display performance scores running from high to low.
2- Checklist
3-Weighted checklist
4-Forced choice format
Employee comparison models
1-Simple ranking: Employees ranked from top to bottom according to proficiency
2- Paired comparison: each employee in a group compared with each other individual in the group.
Employee comparison models outcomes?
1-Usefull making layoff or downsizing decisions
2- feedback is difficult because there is no clear performance
3- Difficulty in comparing individuals from different groups
Performance rating process
1-Rating sources
- Supervisor
- Peers
-Self rating
-Subordinate rating
-Customer and supplier rating
- 360 degree system
- 360 degree system
1-Collect and provide an employee with feedback that comes from many sources
2-Feedback and employee development
Rating disortions
1-Central tendency error: raters choose mid-point on scale to describe performance
2-Leniency severity error: raters are easy or harsh
Halo error
looking like having the same propotion of abilities in all areas
Reliability of performance rating
1-Poor inter-rater reliability: each rater has different perspective
Validity of performance rating
Manner by which ratings scales were conceived and developed.
Performnace feedback
1- Problematic when same information is used for multiple pruposes.
2-Feedbacck should be stretched over several sessions
3- p