Lecture 8 Flashcards
conditions responsible for variations in intensity, quality, and direction of ongoing behavior.
1- Freud: we have certain needs: sex, aggression, etc that we need to control.
2-Maslow: Instinct gradually replaced by terms like “need,motive”
3-Behaviorist approach (skinner)
4-Lewin: Field theory (Group dynamics) we can’t look at individual behavior without looking at the environment.
Metaphors: Person as a machine
1-People’s behaviors and actions are reflexive and involuntary.
2-Pushed by internal needs
3-Pulled by environmental stimuli
4-Person as scientist have voluntarily actions.
Person as judge
1-Individual seeks information about the extent person and others perceived as responsible for positive and negative events.
Person as intentional
Develops goals and plans
Motivation - Worklife balance
Investigates whether satisfaction experienced at work affected by satisfaction one experinces outside of work.
example: during covid people worked more because they spent less time on OV and felt more satisfied.
Relatively stable feelings or beliefs directed toward specific person group or ideas.
-Include job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job involvement.
Motivation- personality
A consistent relationship exist between personality-motivation.
1-Neuroticism is negatively related to performance motivation.
2-Conscientiousness positively related.
Person as machine (Maslow’s need theory)
All humans have a basic set of needs that express themselves over life-span.
-Maslow’s pyramid is falsified. We have needs but not in a hierarchical pyramid.
Levels in maslow’s need theory
1-Self actualization
2-Esteem needs
3-Love-social belonging needs
4-security needs
5-Physiological needs
Maslows need theory
1- The employer needs to know the level of need of the individual worker.
2- different individuals-different needs
3-fits person-machine metaphor.
2 factor theory
2 basic needs not 5.
-Needs ar independent not hierarchical.
1-Hygiene needs
2-Motivator needs
ERG theory
3 basic needs not 2 or 5.
1-Existence (E)
2-Relatedness (R)
3-Growth (G)
Reinforcement theory
1-Behavior depends on 3 elements.
Contingent reward
reward depends on response
Intermittent & continuous rewards
intermittent rewards produce higher performance levels.