Lecture 2 Flashcards
Individual differences
Dissimilarities between or among 2 or more people
1- Cattell (mental test) start of systematic research of differences
-Differential psychology
- Psychometrics (= same differental)
-World war 1 & intelligence tets
- “g” or general ability
Varities in ndividual Differences
1- Cognitive ability
2- Physical ability
3- Personality
5- Knowledge
Assumptions of İndividual differences
1- Adults attributes are relatşvely stable over a period of time.
2- People differ with their attributes
3- Relative differences among people relatively remain after training
4- Different jobs require different attributes
5- These attributes can be measured (KSAOs)
What is Taxonomy (name giving to different categories) of abilities
Felishman’s taxonomy of abilities of 52 divided into broad categories of
-Cognitive abilities
- Physical abilities
-perceptual-motor abilities
Historical term of intelligence quotient , not used by scientists
Mental ability/ cognitive ability
terms used by scientists.
- refers to specific abilities such as memory or reasoning
Refers to general intellectual capacity often called “g”
involves the ability to reason,plan solve problems, comprehend complex ideas.
Selection psychologits 4 possible outcomes
1-False positive
2- Correct posiitive
3- Correct negative
4- False negativ
Is “g” (intelligence) important at work?
- Yes it is. It describe sperosn’s ability to learn from experiences.
- The higher the job complexity= the higher the predictive value of general intelligence test
Carroll’s hiererchial model
1-Fluid intelligence
2- Crystallized inelligence
Sensory abilities
4- smell
(Kİnesthetic feedback)
Kinestehtic feedback
physical sensation (feedback) to move your body.
Psychomotor abilities
1- Sensorimotor or motor abilities.
2-Physical functions of movement associated with coordination, reaction time.
3-Fleishman’s psychomotor abilities: reaction time, arm-hand steadiness,rate control,finger dexterity etc
The five factor model
Most behavior can be explained through Big five ( 5 perosnality characters)
-Opennes to experience and mental ability are slightly correlated.
Practical issues associated with persoanlity measures
-self presentation
- social desirability
- does faking really matter?
Additional individual differences
1-Skills : practiced acts , technical and nontechnical
2-Knowledge: collection of discrete but related facts , information about a particular domain
- Tacit knowledge: street smart
- procedural knowledge: knwoing how
-Declarative knowledge: knowing that
Additional individual differences 2
3-Competencies: combination of individual difference characteristics: skills, knowledge,ability
4-Emotional intelligence: awareness of our own & others emotions (controversial contruct)
Admisintrative test categories
1-Speed vs Power:
-Speed tests are rigid &demanding time limts
-Greater variability but irrelevance to job.
-Power tests have no rigid limits
Situation in which a given test reults in statistical errors of prediction subgroup.
Value judgement about actions or decisions based on test scores
Cognitive ability tests
Allow individuals to demonstarte what they know, perceive remember, understand or can work mentally
Screen-out tests
- Identify psychopathology (find who stands out)
Screen-in test
: identify the normal personality.
Emotional intelligence
-Controversial contruct with continued research links with big 5, cognitive ability and work outcomes.
-Ability based EI measurement overlap less with big 5 whereas self-report EI overlap strongly.
Situational judgement test
Oresents the candidate with written scenerio. asks the candidate to choose best scenario from series of alternatives.
-job related
- well-accepted by test takers
- reduced adverse impact compared to other devices
adverse impact
Unintentionally diasadvantage a group.