Lecture: The Hip Flashcards
the hip articulation is formed b/w the head of the __ and the __ of the pelvic bone.
- femur
- acetabulum
hip joint transmits truly impressive loads, both __ & __.
also provides a wide range of __ __ movement.
- tensile
- & compressive
- lower limb
hip joint is classified as a __ & __ joint.
permits motion in 3 planes:
all 3 of these axes pass thru the center of the __ __.
- ball & socket
- (1)sagittal (flex/ext around a transverse axis)
- (2)frontal (abd/add around an ant.-post. axis)
- (3)transverse (int/ext rot. around a vertical axis)
os coxa (hip bone), initially begins as 3 ind. bones:
- ilium
- ischium
- pubis
the body of the ilium forms the __ 2/5ths of the acetabulum.
the ischium is a __ that contributes to the acetabulum & __, forming the __ 2/5th’s of the acetabulum.
ischium + ramus form the __ tuberosity.
- superior
- body; rams
- posterior
- ischial
pubis is the smallest of the hip bones.
consisting of a __ and __ & __ rami.
it forms the __ 1/5th of the acetabulum.
- body
- inferior & superior
- anterior
the majority of acetabular development is completed by age?
and the __ increases thru puberty
- eight
- depth
the acetabulum is angled laterally, \_\_ & \_\_. acetabular rim (labrum) fxn: the whole of the acetabulum is covered with \_\_ cartilage, except the fovea capitis, b/c?
- inferiorly & anteriorly
- (deeps the acetab.) increasing its stability of the hip jt.
- hyaline
- serves as an attachment site for ligaments
pelvic girdle is composed of 3 joints:
- sacroiliac
- hip joint (acetabularfemoral)
- pubic symphysis
ASIS should be in same horizontal plane, if not= __ __.
which test?
- pelvic obliquity
- leg length discrepancy
the __ tubercle marks the __ point on the iliac crests.
- iliac
- widest
iliac crest contusion:
contusion at site or an avulsion of the __ __ and/or __ muscles from the crest.
very painful, even disabling if __ is involved.
pt. experiences pain when __ bending __ from the side of injury.
- hip pointer
- quadratus lumborum and/or abdominal
- periosteum
- side; away
- trauma
greater trochanters are to be level with?
congenital hip dislocation or hip __ could heal improper and make the levels unequal; which test?
- pubic tubercles
- fracture
- Allis Sign
Bucket Handle Fracture: __ & __ pubic rami frxs w/ a separation or frx of the __-__ SIJ.
- superior & inferior
- contra-lateral
- high speed falls (motorcycle, bicycle)
Sprung Pelvis: separation of the __ symphysis & __ SIJ’s.
- pubic
- both
- genitourinary injuries, severe constipation (organ rupture), possibly from multiple births.
Straddle Fracture: __lateral __ pubic rami, & ischiopubic fractures.
- bilateral
- superior
- falling on butt from high place or w/ great force, or from long time sustained micro trauma (i.e. riding a tractor for years)
most common areas of the pelvis for avulsion fractures are:
- ischial tuberosity
approximately _/_rds of the femoral head is covered with a smooth layer of __, except __ __, (attachment site of __ __)
- 2/3
- cartilage
- fovea capitis
- ligamentum teres
the angle b/w the femoral shaft and the neck is called?
average degree of angle? (varies b/c of diff. body types)
in a tall person the angle is __ (aka __).
the opposite is true with shorter individuals, __.
- inclination angle
- 125-130
- larger; valga
- vara
dashboard injury to the knee will cause __ hip dislocation if the hip is __ at the time of injury.
- posterior
- adducted
the trabecular bone in the femoral neck and head is specifically designed to withstand __ __.
and incorporates both primary & secondary __ & __ patterns.
- high loads
- compressive & tensile
greater trochanter serves as the __ site for several muscles that act on the __ joint.
the lesser trochanter is created from the pull of the __ muscle.
- insertion
- hip
- iliopsoas
the angle the femoral neck makes with the acetabulum is called the angle of __.
normal is?
- anteversion
- 8-15deg.
femoral ANTeversion is when the angle is >__.
= a toe __ gait.
this increased femoral head torsion may result in:
- > 15deg.
- in
- osteoarthritis
- susceptible to ant. femoral dislocation
- knee joint misalignment problems
- patellar dislocations
- excessive lumbar lordosis
- external rotation of the tibia
- pronation of the feet
femoral RETROversion is when the angle is <__.
=a toe __ gait.
this decreased femoral head torsion may result in:
- <15deg.
- out
- low back or SI pathologies
- internal rotation of the tibia
- supination of the feet