Lab: Cervical Spine Flashcards
Range of Motion:
cervical flexion= 50 cervical extension= 60 right lateral flexion= 45 left lateral flexion= 45 right rotation= 80 left rotation= 80
Foraminal Compression Test:
1-pos.= exacerbation of localized cervical pain 1-ind.= foraminal encroachment or facet pathology without nerve root compression 2-pos.= exacerbation of cervical pain with a radicular component 2-ind.= formaminal encroachment or facet pathology with nerve root compression
Cervical Distraction Test:
1-pos.= diminished or absence of local cervical pain 1-ind.= foraminal encroachment 2-pos.= diminished or absence of radicular pain 2-ind.= nerve root compression 3-pos.= increase of cervical pain 3-ind.= muscular strain, ligamentous sprain, myospasm, facet capsulitis
Spinal Percussion Test:
1-pos.= local pain 1-ind.= possible fractured vertebrae, ligamentous involvement (spinous pain), and muscular involvement (muscular pain) 2-pos.= radiating pain 2-ind.= possible disc pathology
Shoulder Depression Test:
1-pos.= localized cervical pain on the side being tested 1-ind.= dural sleeve adhesion, and muscular adhesion/contracture, or spasm, or ligamentous injury 2-pos.= radiating pain on the side being tested 2-ind.= neurovascular bundle compression, dural sleeve adhesions or thoracic outlet syndrome 3-pos.= radicular pain on the opposite side being tested 3-ind.= foraminal encroachment with nerve root compression
Valsalva Maneuver:
pos. = radiating pain from site of lesion, usually recreating the complaint in cervical or lumbar area of the spine
ind. = space occupying lesion (e.g. disc pathology)
Swallowing Test:
pos. = Difficulty in swallowing
ind. = space-occupying lesion at anterior portion of the cervical spine. possible esophageal or pharyngeal injury, anterior disc defect, muscle spasm or osteophytes etc.
Soto-Hall Sign:
pos. = generalized pain in the cervical region, which may extend down to the level of T2
ind. = non-specific test for structural integrity of the cervical region
Kernig Sing:
pos. = inability to fully extend the leg and/or pain (usually in the neck region)
ind. = meningeal irritation/meningitis
O’Donoghue Maneuver:
1-pos.= pain during passive range of motion 1-ind.= ligamentous sprain (passive range of motion stresses ligaments) 2-pos.= pain during resisted range of motion 2-ind.= muscle/tendon strain (active range of motion stresses muscles and tendons)
Bony Palpation:
(anterior) hyoid bone thyroid cartilage first cricoid ring mandible
(posterior) occiput superior nuchal line inion mastoid processes spinous processes of cervical vertebrae facet joints
Soft Tissue Palpation:
sternocleidomastoid anterior cervical lymph node chain posterior cervical lymph node chain supraclavicular fossa carotid pulse thyroid gland
greater occipital nerves
superior nuchal ligament