Lecture flashcards pt2
dorsal border of the scapula
pivot point which the limb can swing cranially and caudally
point of the shoulder
greater tubercle of the humerus, palpable, most cranial region of the shoulder, important landmark for radiographs and should luxation diagnosis
point of the elbow
olecranon tuber of the ulna, most caudal region of the elbow, palpable, vertical alignment with the 4th intercostal space/ 5th rib, vertical alignment with caudal angle of the scapula
immoveable joints
semimoveable joints
freely moveable joints
fibrous joint
strong fibrous CT between articulating bones, little to no movement
when a fibrous joint fuses into a boney joint that is unmoveable
cartilaginous joint
cartilage between articulating bones; limited movment
synovial joint
joint cavity between articulating bones lined with synovial membrane, free movement
fibrous joint, seams of the bones of the skull that are gradually eliminated via ossification
fibrous joint, bones joined by ligaments; interosseous ligaments
tooth in an alveolus, united by periodontal ligament, not technically a joint
hyaline cartilage union, cartilage joint
occurs in the midline of the body where articulating bone are connected via a flat disc of fibrocartilage
gliding/translational motion
2 surfaces slide past each other
angular motion, decreasing angle between bones
angular motion, increasing angle between bone
increasing angle beyond 180 degrees, angular motion
moving away from the median plane, angular motion
moving towards median plane, angular motion
movement circumscribing a cone shape
palmar surface rotated to touch ground
palmar surface faces medially
sheet like tendon
stance phase
time the foot contacts the ground; braking, propulsion, weight-bearing
swing phase
time limb is propelled through the air
what contributes to stride length
translational and pivotal movements of the scapula
what is the pivot point for rotational movement during the swing phase of TL
dorsal border of the scapula
antagonist muscles
directly opposing the agonists during a particular motion
agonist muscle
primary mover of a joint during a particular action
imparts a similar action as another muscle, may serve as joint stabilizers during a particular action
dual action muscles
can extend and flex the same joint, depending on other muscles and if the limb is weight bearing or not
dorsal border carpal canal
palmar carpal ligament
lateral border carpal canal
accessor carpal bone
palmar border carpal canal
flexor retinaculum
structures within carpal canal
deep digital flexor, flexor carpi radialis, arteries, nerves
dorsal elastic ligament
deep digital extensor, important in cat claw retraction, relaxation of extensor causing recoiling of the ligament making the interphalangeal joint hyperextend