Lecture 9 - Extreme events Flashcards
Xeric systems are normally … because they are ..
stressed, dry
Mesic systems are usually rarely ..
Hydric systems are normally .. because they are very ..
stressed, wet
trends include .., mean .. and .., .. deposition
CO2, temperatures, precipitation, N
-chronic ‘constant’ changes
extreme events include .. .., .., .. and ..
drought, heavy rainfall, heat waves, storms
N deposition too?
extreme events become more frequent due to increases in .. conditions, … of conditions and both
mean, variance
2003 summer heat wave had .. deaths
return time for this heat used to be … of years, now only .. years
thousands, hundred
north atlantic tropical storms correlate with tropical atlantic .. temperature
-also influenced by N hemisphere temperatuer
Phillipines super typhoon in 2013 caused .. deaths and ..-.. billion $ damage
The storm tracked sub-surface water temperatures ..-..C above average
greatest evidence of extreme events from anthropogenic sources are .., .. and ..
heat waves, droughts, precipitation
lethal thresholds are thresholds for ..
surpassing this can reduce … potentially leading to new …
inertia, ecosystems
an extreme is on the ..th percentile of climate, its ..
abruptness can be calculated with ../..
95, abrupt
magnitutde, duration
-relative to lifespan of organism
soil-water bucket concept shows average .. systems are more harshly affected by variance as they’re adapt to .. envrionments
mesic, stable
Konza Prairie altered rainfall and timing between rainfall, they shown altering the .. of rainfall was just as significant as reducing the amount by ..%
frequency, 30
arctic winters can cause plants to be .. reducing food for ..
encased, herbivores
arctic fox populations take a year later to drop as there is an abundance of .. after a rainy winter
arctic populations can recover due to reduced .. competition and reduced ..
food, predation