Lecture 4 - Heathlands and Moors Flashcards
heathlands are dominated by .. .. ..
especially .. ..
but may also include .. .. and .. ..
ericoid dwarf shrubs
calluna vulgaris
erica cinerea, erica tetralix
-heather species
heathlands have .. floristic diversity due to their .. nutrients and .. soil
heathlands has a .. conservation status and contains species such as .. and ..
low, acidic
dartford warbler (sylvia undata), smooth snake (coronella austriaca)
Upland Heaths are known as .. and are ..-..m above sea level
they cover ..-..million hectares in the UK (..% world total)
2-3 million
The montane zone is the .. ..
tree line
-mountainous regions
lowland heaths cover ..ha in the UK (..% world) at altitudes below ..m
58,000, 20
… soils are typical of boreal forests and heathlands
their surface undergoes intense … and they have a distinct lack of .. and .. to mix soil horizons
decomposition, invertebrates
-transport of soil material from upper layers to lower
Podzol soils typically are … as a consequence of high ..
This leads to .. formation as the soil is under low .. conditions
this .. layer holds … and .. while the iron pan layer prevents ..
waterlogged, rainfall
peat, oxygen
peat, water, nutrients, drainage
- the peat layer is the O1 layer while the surface ‘litter layer is O2
Peatlands store .. billion tonnes of C
- More C in UK peat than forests of Britain/France combine
- Degradation of peat is huge climate risk
Heathland orignated during and after the .. age
in the moors west of sheffield heather has dominated since ..AD
most moors dominance post … ,though
-Typically dominance occurs as land stopped being used for grazing
Grouse shooting worth £..million per year, they eat .. shoots of heather
100, young
Rotational burning is used on an 8-15 year cycle, to maximise … biomass and provide patches of … heather for nesting
prescribed burning aims to remove the .. layer of heather and is done in ..
they aim to avoid burning of the .. underneath
top, winter
management of moorlands prevent ..
.. provides nutrients to the soil and nutrients also return via …
this can lead to increased .. and .. diversity
burning also increases soil temperature for .. years
succession, ash, precipitation
plant, insect
- however careful burning can still lead to peat loss, reduce water, plant health
- initial insect populations also reduced
nutrients from heathland burning maybe lost via … (..) and ..
ash, leaching, smoke
-N especially lost in heathlands
… may be considered as a .. .. technique
typically they use .. but this reduces ../. species
peat conservation
conifers, diversity, distinctive
-also reduces visual appeal
Successfu planting birch has led to soil changes such as increased .. numbers
reversing .. to .. forest soil
increasing .., exchangable .. and total ..
podzol, brown
pH, Ca, P
-Tulchan, Perthshire both successful sites
In the Broxa site restablishment of Birch has taken place.
But soil pH has never exceeded .. likely due to low .. reserves, .. bedrock and .. .. leaching bases.
acid rain
-Reforestation not always possible