Lecture 3 - Ecosystems Flashcards
grassland was dominant between ..-.. years
100,000-11,650 years
-supported heliophile species
elm decline was … years ago
likely due to diseases, …, … and cutting trees
as a consequence of a .. and .. climate
Coleoptera, pollarding
cooler, wetter
What is pollarding?
Cutting of top branches.
Landnam clearances happen when forests are cleared till .. declines
~.. year cycles
productivity, 50
-increase in grassland herbs such as Plantago lanceolata
Neolithic clearances happened ..-..Ka
A time of more … deforestation , especially in well-populated areas such as .., .., .., ..
breckland, wiltshere, dartmoore, SW Cumbria
- Breckland has light dry soils
- Centre of microlithic flint mine industry
Bronze age clearances happened ..-..ka
Clearances continued due to .. expansion and .. increase
agriculture, population
iron age clearances happened ..-..ka
Due to arrival of … from Europe with better .. technology
Celts, farming
-started to get permanent farmland here
Grasslands are managed by .. or .., as a consequence grasslandplants have adaptations such as : .... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ....
grazing, mowing intercalary meristem rhizome spread adpressed growth low palatibility ephemeral
Intercalaray meristems are only in .. and .., with a meristem present at the .. of each leaf (which the plant can regrow from)
grasses, horsetails
adpressed growth involves negative …, making it hard for leaves to be .. due to being adpressed
low palatibility includes .., .., .. .. and ..
spines, distastefulness, woody tissues, toxins
ephemeral plants exploit .. soil, and grow during times of .. grazing
bare, limited
Calcifuge species such as .. .. grow in .. soils
Calcicole species such as .. .. grow in .. soils
Nardus stricta, acid
Scabiosa columbaria, calcareous
Festuca ovina grows over a wide .. range
Iron, Manganese, Boron, Copper and Zinc are more abundant in .. conditions.
Sulfur, Ca, Mg, Phosphorous and Molybdenum all favour .. conditions
Standard soil structure is : O - .. A - .. B - .. C - .. R - ..
However Rendzina soil does not have a .. layer
organic surface subsoil substrate bedrock
Rendzina no Subsoil layer
Rendzina soils are typically .. with shallow .. soil directly over ..
The soil has a .. pH and .. fertility
immature, surface, limestone
high, low
The main characteristic of limestone grassland is … soil
This soil type tends to be thin due to pure … leaving little .. residue, meaning a deep soil profile can’t form and it tends to get … away
limestone, insoluble, washed
-Limestone grassland is often species rich.
Limestone/rendzina soils tend to be present on grassland …, with a pH above .. and containing species such as .. .. and .. ..
These soils have … .. fertility (20 species /m2)
festuca ovina, scabiosa columbaria
very low
Podzol soils tend to be present on the .., with a pH below .. and containing species such as .. .., .. .. and .. ..
It has .. fertility (<10 species/m2)
deschampsia flexuosa, calluna vulgaris, festuca ovina
Alluvial soils tend to be found at the .. .., with a pH between ..-..
They contain species such as .. .. and .. .. and have .. fertility (5-15 species m2)
valley bottom 5.5-7.5 Urtica dioica Arrhenatherum elatius medium
limestone grasslands are the most … diverse habitat in the UK, as the soils have some … it prevents dominance of a single species
Maximum crop + litter = ..
currently in the … epoch
holocene (11650 - modern)
slash and burn are … forest clearances
5 peaks of Plantago pollen between the Elm decline and Iron age (..BC) suggest 5 … clearances
500, Landnam
Rhizomes allow plants to spread without …, the root stalks providing new nodes for ..
flowers, growth
low pH always .. poor as .. species are adapt to grow on them (.. effect)
species, fewer, reservoir
Grime’s hump-backed curve summarises .., .., .., .. .. and ….
dominance, stress, disturbance, niche differentiation, colonisation