lecture 7 (1) Flashcards
gap 3
Customer driven service designs and standards
and service delivery
Determinants of Gap 3
Ineffective recruitment
Role ambiguity and role conflict
Poor employee technology job fit
Inapropriate evaluation and compensation systems
Lack of empowerment and team work
service personnel conflicts
1) personnel - organization conflict
2) Personnel - customer conflict
3) personnel - personnel conflict
4) customer - customer conflict
results in
- The service personnel conflict
a)multiple demands conflict
b) impression -expression conflict
personnel organization conflict
Incongruence between employee service orientation and perceived management orientation to service
Role ambiguity and role conflict
Dissatisfaction, feelings of frustration and intentions to quit
Role conflict
The simultaneous occurrence of two (or more) sets of pressures such that the compliance with one would make more difficult compliance with the other
Role ambiguity
when a person does not have enough access to sufficient information to perform his or her role as an employee adequately
Control model paradigm
Based on assumption that hierarchy and mechanistic bereaucracy will enhance productivity and quality
The extent to which rules, procedures, instructions and communications are written
Efficient operations, increased quality
Unable to adapt to changing conditions
involvement model paradigm
Customer contact meployees are capable of coordination and control of service quality
The reverse of doing things by the cook
Competence & control
Benefits of empowerment
Faster response to customer desire
Faster resonse to dissatisfied customers
More true warmth and enthusiasm
Source of service ideas
Positive WOM of customers
costs of empowerment
Large investment in selection and training
Higher labor costs
Possible slower and inconsistent service
Potential for feeling of unjustified treatment
Potential for bad decisions and give aways
behavior based evaluation
Involves evaluating employees on the basis of how they behave or act rather than on the basis of the measurable outcomes (outcome based evaluation) they achieve
Commitment, teamwork friendliness (long term effects)
No environmental influences (profit versus behavior)
Personnel custoer conflict
A) power and status asymmetry
superordinate service role (SSR) operates follows
Professional service role (PSR) leads and advices
Conclusion: role conflict is inverse to P-C status difference (customer contact, not expert, lower status)
B) territorial rights (role conflict is proportional to teritorial ambiguity)
Multiple demands conflict
Conflict is function of
Status and power similarities between demand senders
Heterogeneity in customer characteristics and preferences
selling emotions
is a function of kind of labour
Physical labour
Mental labour
Emotional labour
Coordination of thoughts and feelings
Emotional labor
Surface acting = expression without impression (from the body)
Deep acting = expression through impression (from the mind)
emotional conflict
inconsistency of impression and expression
Impression but no expression or expression but no impression
Service personnel responses to conflict
1) Resist customer control of interaction
a) Behavioral control
Avoid/ignore physical contact
b) Cognitive control
Withdraw and automatic behavior
2) Take control of interaction with customer
a) behavioral control
physical control
Through leadership, educating
Indirect control through rewards, incentives
b) cognitive control
Control through anticipation
3) Conspire with the customer against the organization